Therapy optimization in gliomas (TOG).

Gliomas are the most deadly type of primary brain tumors and the ones with the highest incidence. We intend to obtain a large amount of longitudinal data from pathology studies, molecular tests, clinical records and high spatial resolution imaging to understand better the dynamics of the disease using mathematical models.


Where is it being implemented?

The protocol has been approved and is running at Hospital 12 de Octubre de Madrid, Erasme Hospital (Brussels), Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real, Hospital de Manises (Valencia), MD Anderson Cancer Center (Madrid), Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga, Hospital Universitario de Albacete, Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander) and Hospital Virgen de la Salud de Toledo. It is being considered for implementation in other hospitals.

What data do we get?

Our collaborators collect clinical data, pathology data, data from a custom-designed New Generation Sequencing (NGS) panel and the whole MRI imaging dataset (all sequences available for diagnosis, surgery planning, post-surgery, radiotherapy plan, and follow-up) obtained with the best possible resolution in clinical routine. When available, we also collect positron emission tomography (PET) imaging data. Our focus is glioblastoma (the most aggressive type of glioma). However, we will also collect data for low-grade gliomas (astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas), since stopping their transformation into their more aggressive anaplastic forms is important for these patients

What are the expected benefits for patients?

Data obtained will be used to explore whether mathematical algorithms can be used to develop novel prognoses and predictive biomarkers. With this information we intend to design personalized treatment schedules and/or combinations.

When will the results be available?

Data collection will be performed prospectively for many years, at least until 2022, and mathematical studies performed as data are available depending on funding.