News & Events

European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology

Campus Fábrica de Armas, Toledo, Spain
Monday July 22, 2024

Net4Brain & World Brain day July 22

Monday July 22, 2024

Curso de Oncología Matemática

Edificio Politécnico, Campus de Ciudad Real
Monday July 08, 2024

Course "Mathematical modeling and data analysis in oncology"

MOLAB - University of Cádiz
Monday June 24, 2024

MOLAB participates in 'Real Science' outreach program

Antiguo Casino de Ciudad Real
Friday June 21, 2024

The vice-delegate of the government of Spain visits MOLAB

Friday June 21, 2024

Mathematical modeling of a rare bone disorder: insights into fibrous dysplasia

Aula Magna, ETSI. Industriales
Wednesday June 19, 2024

Gabriel F. Calvo selected to participate in the ASEICA-Fundación "la Caixa" Workshop

ASEICA-La Fundación "la Caixa"
Friday May 31, 2024

Thesis Defense announcement, David G. Aragonés

Salón Grados, ETSI Industriales, 11:30h.
Tuesday May 28, 2024

CAR-based adoptive T-cell immunotehrapy for acute leukemia: recent work in our lab

Salón de Grados, Edificio Politécnico, 10:30h.
Wednesday May 22, 2024

Aneuploidy and chromosome instability in childhood acute leukemia: new biological insights

Salón de Grados, Edificio Politécnico, 10:30h.
Wednesday May 22, 2024

Sergio Pérez to develop joint project with Toledo Hospital

Hospital Universitario de Toledo & MOLAB
Saturday May 18, 2024

The state of the art of mathematical modeling of brain metastases

Mathematical biosciences
Thursday May 16, 2024

New collaborative project with Toledo University Hospital

MOLAB and Toledo University Hospital
Wednesday May 15, 2024

Mathematical modelling of epidermal wound healing in Drosophila embryos

Salón de grados, ETSII, 11:30h.
Wednesday April 17, 2024

Julián Pérez Beteta, Titular de Universidad.

E.T.S. de Ingenieros Agrónomos
Wednesday April 03, 2024

Matteo Italia joins MOLAB

MOLAB, Edificio Politécnico
Monday April 01, 2024

Álvaro Martínez PhD thesis

Salón de Grados, Edificio Politécnico
Thursday March 21, 2024

Data Analysis and Mathematical Modelling in Pediatric Hematooncology

Salón de Grados ETSI Industriales
Thursday March 21, 2024

Seminar "CAR-T cell immunotherapy: from the bench to mathematical modeling"

Sala Juntas, E.T.S.I Industriales, 11:30h.
Wednesday March 20, 2024

MOLAB's UCA work recognized by Foundation Cádiz

Cadiz CF Foundation
Thursday February 29, 2024

Seminar "Epithelial cell dynasties: competition dynamics in homeostasis and precancer"

Salón de grados, Edificio Politécnico
Tuesday February 27, 2024

Short course "An introduction to bone biology"

Microsoft Teams, 17:00h.
Thursday February 22, 2024

Silvia Bordel awarded with "End-of-Studies" prize

Thursday February 22, 2024

RENACER project funded by Spanish League Against Cancer

AECC Madrid
Saturday February 17, 2024

Intermittent energy-deprivation therapy induces metabolic extinction in aggressive tumors

Sala de Juntas, E.T.S.I.I.
Wednesday February 14, 2024

11F: International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Sunday February 11, 2024

Nano-antibody-based tools for non-invasive tumor diagnosis and treatment

Sala de Juntas E.T.S.I. Industriales
Thursday February 08, 2024

In silico modeling, analysis, and control of cancers

Salón de Grados, E.T.S.I.Industriales
Wednesday February 07, 2024

Mathematical insights into brain metastases

PhD thesis defense, Salón de Grados
Monday February 05, 2024

Understanding the difference between inflammation and progression

PLOS Computational Biology
Saturday February 03, 2024

Joint meeting: MOLAB and CNIO Bioinformatics Unit

Tuesday January 30, 2024

MOLAB study highlighted by Neuro-Oncology Advances

Neuro-Oncology Advances
Tuesday January 30, 2024

New MOLAB collaboration published in "Science"

Science journal
Wednesday January 17, 2024

Response criteria for brain metastases revisited

Neuro-Oncology Advances
Wednesday January 17, 2024

Short-term postdoctoral position in combination therapy for gliomas (project ISGBM)

Wednesday January 17, 2024

Thesis Defense announcement, Beatriz Ocaña Tienda

Salón de Grados, E.T.S.I.Industriales
Sunday January 14, 2024

MOLAB activity recognized by the Spanish League Against Cancer

Spanish Cancer League (AECC, Asociación Española contra el Cáncer)
Wednesday December 20, 2023

MOLAB study finds chemotherapy protocol improving survival and reducing toxicity

PLOS Computational Biology
Saturday December 09, 2023

María Rosa awarded with "Health and Wellbeing" research prize

Alfonso XIII hotel, Seville
Tuesday November 07, 2023

Pancreatic cancer: study of the effects of Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC)

Salón Grados E.T.S.I.Industriales
Tuesday November 07, 2023

Abstract and minisymposium proposals for ECMTB 2024 now available

Fábrica de armas, Toledo
Thursday November 02, 2023

Víctor M. Pérez-García joins the ESMTB board

Thursday November 02, 2023

Leveraging macrophage polarisation in gliomas to improve radiotherapy outcome

Sala de Juntas E.T.S.I Industriales
Monday October 30, 2023

Optimization of external beam and targeted radiotherapy

Sala Juntas E.T.S.I. Industriales
Tuesday October 24, 2023

iroNKiller: Joining the forces of NK Cells and Ferroptosis to treat Neuroblastoma

Salón de Grados E.T.S.I. Indrustriales
Wednesday October 11, 2023

Best oral presentation prize for Juan Jiménez-Sánchez

Erquy, France
Sunday October 08, 2023

New work coauthored by MOLAB's GF Calvo unveils the role of neutrophils in brain tumors

Cell Journal
Thursday September 28, 2023

José Antonio Romero receives AECC grant to work at MOLAB

Salón de Actos, Edificio Politécnico
Tuesday September 26, 2023

Breakthrough Team Grant awarded to a consortium led by Gelareh Zadeh and including MOLAB

Canadian Cancer Society
Friday September 01, 2023

New MOLAB project will study optimal therapeutical schedule with new drugs

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Friday September 01, 2023

Mathematical Oncology advanced research school was held at Ciudad Real, July 2023

Monday July 24, 2023

MOLAB research unveils growth laws of brain metastases

npj Systems Biology and Applications
Sunday July 23, 2023

Understanding patterns of cell-free DNA fragmentation

Sunday July 23, 2023

Curso de Oncología Matemática 2023

Edificio Politécnico Campus de Ciudad Real
Tuesday July 11, 2023

Joint meeting: MOLAB and Mohit K. Jolly's research team

Virtual event
Monday July 03, 2023

"Cellular dynamics unraveling the influence of molecular and microenvironmental factors"

Salón Grados, E.T.S.I.Industriales, 12:30h.
Thursday June 01, 2023

Open Access Brain metastasis dataset released by MOLAB

Scientific Data 10, 208 (2023)
Sunday April 30, 2023

Seminar "Algebraic methods for reaction networks"

Salón de Grados, Politécnica, E.T.S.I.I, 11:30h.
Thursday April 27, 2023

"Introduction to Mean Curvature Flow"

Salón de Grados, Politécnica, E.T.S.I.I, 12:00h.
Tuesday April 25, 2023

Seminar "Adapting the TDA pipeline for the characterization of packed tissues"

Salón de grados, Edificio Politécnico
Tuesday April 11, 2023

Modelling cell-free DNA fragmentomics with a Markovian Model

Tuesday February 21, 2023

Course on Cellular Atomata

Wednesday February 08, 2023

Decay dynamics of immunogenic solid tumors

Tuesday January 31, 2023

Phenotypic evolutionary dynamics may drive tumor aggressiveness

iScience and Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
Wednesday January 04, 2023