Jiménez Sánchez, Juan
Department of Mathematics, Castilla-La Mancha University

BSc in Biotechnology (UPM), MSc in Biophysics (UAM), and MSc in Applied Mathematics (UCLM). He is a post-doc at MOLAB working on evolutionary dynamics and virtual clinical trials in cancer. The discrete stochastic tumor growth model developed in his Ph.D. thesis (2022) have been used for human data-based studies on evolutionary dynamics, to discover new biomarkers in different cancers, and to optimize glioblastoma treatments.


Jiménez Sánchez, Juan
Department of Mathematics, Castilla-La Mancha University

BSc in Biotechnology (UPM), MSc in Biophysics (UAM), and MSc in Applied Mathematics (UCLM). He is a post-doc at MOLAB working on evolutionary dynamics and virtual clinical trials in cancer. The discrete stochastic tumor growth model developed in his Ph.D. thesis (2022) have been used for human data-based studies on evolutionary dynamics, to discover new biomarkers in different cancers, and to optimize glioblastoma treatments.

