“Graduate (1991) PhD (Complutense U., Madrid, 1995). Associate professor (1997) and full professor (2002) in Applied Mathematics at the Mathematics Department of the University of Castilla-La Mancha. He has published more than 170 research papers with more than 11000 Google citations and has an H-index of 52. He is editor in chief of the journal “Physica D: “Nonlinear Phenomena” and serves in the editorial board of “npj Systems Biology and Applications”. He is the coordinator of the Applied Mathematics panel at the Spanish National Research Agency and has been a member of the Marie Curie evaluation committee and of many international project evaluation boards in oncology and/or applied mathematics in France, UK, Poland, Austria, Romania, Cyprus, Latvia, Spain, etc. His main field of research is the application of mathematical modeling to oncology and more specifically to brain tumors, metastasis, cellular immunotherapies, biomarkers, medical images, lymphomas, leukaemias, prostate cancer, etc. In this field he has led several projects funded by public institutions, private foundations such as the James S. Mc. Donnell Foundation and pharmaceutical companies such as NOVARTIS. More specifically he is interested in the development and validation of mechanistic mathematical models that shed light on oncological processes and may be used as platforms to personalize treatments and develop in-silico trials. Also he is interested in the development of mathematical model-based biomarkers of response to treatments.” |
Modeling Fibrous Dysplasia Progression and its Therapeutic Intervention
Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena 20, 3 (2025)
Juan C. Beltran-Vargas, Luis F. de Castro, Gabriel F. Calvo and Victor M. Pérez-García -
A glance at evolvability: a theoretical analysis of its role in the evolutionary dynamics of cell populations
J. Jiménez-Sánchez, C. Ortega-Sabater, P. K. Maini, V.M. Pérez-García, T. Lorenzi -
A Mathematical Model for Fibrous Dysplasia: The Role of the Flow of Mutant Cells
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 86, 108 (2024)
M. Soloviova, J.C. Beltrán-Vargas, L. Fernández De Castro, J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.M. Pérez-García, M. Caballero -
Chromosomal instability in aneuploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia associates with disease progression
EMBO Molecular Medicine 16, 64-92 (2024)
O Molina, C Ortega-Sabater, N Thampi, N Fernández, M Guerrero, A Martínez, M Vinyoles, T Velasco, C Bueno, JL Trincado, I Granada, D Campos, C Giménez, JM Boer , ML den Boer, GF Calvo, Mireia Camós, JL Fuster P Velasco, P Ballerini, F Locatelli, CG Mullighan, DCJ Spierings, F Foijer, VM Pérez-García, P Menéndez -
Growth dynamics of lung nodules: implications for classification in lung cancer screening
Cancer Imaging 24, 113 (2024)
B. Ocaña-Tienda, A. Eroles-Simó, J. Pérez-Beteta, E. Arana, V. M. Pérez-García -
Mathematical model of CAR-T-cell therapy for a B-cell Lymphoma lymph node
S. Sabir, O. León-Triana, S, Serrano, R, Barrio, V. M. Pérez-García -
Mathematical modeling of brain metastases growth and response to therapies: A review
Mathematical Biosciences 373, 109207 (2024)
Beatriz Ocaña-Tienda, Víctor M. Pérez-García -
Morphological MRI features as prognostic indicators in brain metastases
Cancer Imaging 24, 111 (2024)
Ocaña-Tienda B, Pérez-Beteta J, Ortiz de Mendivil A, Asenjo B, Albillo D, Pérez-Romasanta LA, LLorente M, Carballo N, Arana E, Pérez-García VM. -
Radiation necrosis after radiation therapy treatment of brain metastases: A computational approach
PLOS Computational Biology 20(1) e1011400 (2024)
Beatriz Ocana-Tienda, Odelaisy Leon-Triana, Julian Perez-Beteta, Juan Jiménez-Sánchez, Victor M. Perez-Garcia -
Understanding the role of B cells in CAR T-cell therapy in leukemia through a mathematical model
Chaos 34, 083142 (2024)
S. Serrano, R. Barrio, A. Martínez-Rubio, J. Belmonte-Beitia, V. M. Pérez-García -
Volumetric Analysis: Rethinking Brain Metastases Response Assessment
Neuro-Oncoloy Advances 6(1), 1-9 (2024)
B Ocaña-Tienda, J Pérez-Beteta, JA Romero-Rosales, B Asenjo, A Ortiz, LA Pérez Romasanta, JD Albillo, F Nagib, M Vidal Denis, B. Luque, E. Arana, VM Pérez-García -
A comprehensive dataset of annotated brain metastasis MR images with clinical and radiomic data
Scientific Data 10, 208 (2023)
Ocaña-Tienda B, Pérez-Beteta J, Villanueva JD, Romero JA, Molina D, Suter Y, Asenjo B, Albillo D, Ortiz A, Pérez-Romasanta LA, González E, Llorente M, Carballo N, Nagib F, Vidal M, Luque B, Reyes M, Arana E, Pérez-García VM -
Breaking Down Cell-Free DNA Fragmentation: A Markov Model Approach
biorxiv (doi:10.1101/2023.07.06.547953)
Terence H.L. Tsui, Phil F. Xie, Salvador Chulián, Víctor M. Pérez-García -
Growth dynamics of brain metastases differentiate radiation necrosis from recurrence
Neurooncology Advances 5(1), vdac179 (2023)
B. Ocaña-Tienda, J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina-García, B. Asenjo, A. Ortiz de Mendivil, D. Albillo, LA Pérez-Romasanta, E. González del Portillo, M. Llorente, N. Carballo, E. Arana, Víctor M Pérez-García -
Growth exponents reflect evolutionary processes and treatment response in brain metastases
npj Systems Biology and Applications 9, 35 (2023)
B. Ocaña-Tienda, J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina-García, J. Jiménez-Sánchez, O. Leon-Triana, A. Ortiz de Mendivil, B. Asenjo, D. Albillo, L. Pérez-Romasanta, M. Valiente, L. Zhu, P. García- Gómez, E. González-Del Portillo, M. Llorente, N. Carballo, E. Arana, V. M. Pérez-García -
Metabolic Activity Grows in Human Cancers Pushed by Phenotypic Variability
iScience 26(3) 106118 (2023)
J.J. Bosque, G.F. Calvo, D. Molina-García, J. Pérez-Beteta, A.M. García Vicente, V. M. Pérez-García -
Overcoming chemotherapy resistance in low-grade gliomas: A computational approach
PLoS Computational Biology 19(11): e1011208 (2023)
Delobel T, Ayala-Hernández LE, Bosque JJ, Pérez-Beteta J, Chulián S, García-Ferrer M, Piñero P, Schucht P, Murek M, Pérez-García VM -
Stochastic Fluctuations Drive Non-genetic Evolution of Proliferation in Clonal Cancer Cell Populations
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 85(1) 8 (2023)
C Ortega-Sabater, GF Calvo, Jelena Dinic, Ana Podolski, Milica Pesic, VM Perez-Garcia -
The shape of cancer relapse: Topological data analysis predicts recurrence in paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
PLOS Computational Biology 19(8) e1011329 (2023)
S. Chulián, B. J. Stolz, A. Martínez-Rubio, C. Blázquez-Goñi, J. F. Rodríguez, T. Caballero, A. Molinos, M. Ramírez-Orellana, A. Castillo, J. L. Fuster, A. Minguela, M. V. Martínez, M. Rosa, V. M. Pérez-García, H. Byrne -
Mathematical models of leukaemia and its treatment: a review
SEMA Journal 79, 441-486 (2022)
S. Chulián, Á. Martínez-Rubio, M. Rosa, V. M. Pérez-García -
Multiple and diffuse gliomas by 18F-Fluorocholine PET/CT: two sides of the same coin
Clinical Nuclear Medicine 47(6), e457-e465 (2022)
A. M. García Vicente, J. Pérez-Beteta, J. J. Bosque, A. M. Soriano, V. M. Pérez-García -
On optimal temozolomide scheduling for slowly growing glioblastomas
Neuro-Oncology Advances 4(1), vdac155, 1-13 (2022)
B. Segura-Collar, J. Jiménez-Sánchez, R. Gargini, M. Dragoj, J. M. Sepúlveda, M. Pesic, M. A. Ramírez, L. E. Ayala-Hernández, P.Sánchez-Gómez, V. M Pérez-García -
Patient-specific forecasting of post-radiotherapy prostate-specific antigen kinetics enables early prediction of biochemical relapse
iScience 25, 105430 (2022)
G. Lorenzo, N. di Muzio, C. L. Deantoni, C. Cozzarini, A. Fodor, A. Briganti, F. Montorsi, V. M. Pérez-García, H. Gómez, A. Reali -
SUVmax to tumor perimeter distance: a robust radiomics prognostic biomarker in resectable non-small cell lung cancer patients
European Radiology 32, 3889-3902 (2022)
G. A. Jiménez-Londoño, A. M. García Vicente, J. J. Bosque, M. Amo-Salas, J. Pérez-Beteta, A. F. Honguero-Martinez, V. M. Pérez-García, A. M. Soriano -
Evolutionary dynamics at the tumor edge reveals metabolic imaging biomarkers
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 118(6) e2018110118 (2021).
J. Jiménez-Sánchez, J.J. Bosque, G.A. Jiménez-Londoño, D. Molina-García, A. Martínez-Rubio, J. Pérez-Beteta, C. Ortega-Sabater, A.F Honguero-Martínez, A.M. García-Vicente, G.F. Calvo, V.M. Pérez-García -
A Mathematical Description of the Bone Marrow Dynamics of CAR T-Cell Therapy in B-cell Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
International J. of Molecular Sciences 22, 6371 (2021)
A. Martínez-Rubio, S. Chulián, C. Blázquez Goñi, A. Pérez Martínez, M. Ramírez Orellana, A. Navarro-Zapata, C. Ferreras, V.M. Pérez-García, M. Rosa -
A mesoscopic simulator to uncover heterogeneity and evolutionary dynamics in tumors
PLoS Computational Biology 17(2) e1008266 (2021).
J. Jiménez-Sánchez, A. Martínez-Rubio, A. Popov, J. Pérez-Beteta, Y. Azimzade, D. Molina-García, J. Belmonte-Beitia, G.F. Calvo, V.M. Pérez-García -
Brain Metastasis Response to Stereotactic Radio Surgery: A Mathematical Approach
Mathematics 9(7) 716 (2021)
O. León-Triana, J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Albillo, A. Ortiz de Mendivil, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, E. González del Portillo, M. Llorente, N. Carballo, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García -
CAR T cell therapy in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: Insights from mathematical models
Comm Nonlin Sci Numer Simul 94, 105570 (2021)
O. León-Triana, S. Sabir, G.F. Calvo, J. Belmonte-Beitia, S. Chulian, A. Martínez-Rubio, M. Rosa, A. Pérez-Martínez, M. Ramírez-Orellana, V.M. Pérez-García -
CAR T cells for T-cell leukemias: Insights from mathematical models
Comm Nonlin Sci Numer Simul, 96, 105684 (2021)
V.M. Pérez-García, O. León-Triana, M. Rosa, A. Pérez-Martínez -
Dual-Target Car-Ts With on- and off-Tumour Activity May Override Immune Suppression in Solid Cancers: A Mathematical Proof of Concept
Cancers 13, 703 (2021)
O. León-Triana, A. Pérez-Martínez, M. Ramírez-Orellana, V.M. Pérez-García -
Dynamical properties of feedback signalling in B lymphopoiesis: A mathematical modelling approach
Journal of Theoretical Biology 110685 (2021)
S. Chulián, A. Martínez-Rubio, A. Marciniak-Czochra, T. Stiehl, C.B. Goñi, J.F. Rodríguez Gutiérrez, M.R. Orellana, A.C. Robleda, V.M. Pérez-García, M. Rosa -
High-dimensional Analysis of Single-cell Flow Cytometry Data Predicts Relapse in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Cancers 13(1), 17 (2021).
S. Chulián, A. Martínez-Rubio, V.M. Pérez-García, M. Rosa, C. Blázquez-Goñi, J.F. Rodríguez Gutiérrez, L. Hermosín-Ramos, A. Molinos-Quintana, T. Caballero-Velázquez, M. Ramírez-Orellana, A. Castillo Robleda, J.L Fernández-Martínez -
In vitro biomimetic models for glioblastoma-a promising tool for drug response studies
Drug Resistance Updates 55, 100753 (2021)
T. Stankovic, T. Randelovic, M. Dragoj, S.S. Buric, L. Fernández, I. Ochoa, V.M. Pérez-García, M. Pesic -
Nonlinear science against the COVID-19 pandemic
Physica D 424 (2021) 132946
V.M. Pérez-García -
Optimal Combinations of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in Low-Grade Gliomas: A Mathematical Approach
Journal of Personalized Medicine 2021, 11 (2021) 1036
L. E. Ayala-Hernández, A. Gallegos, P. Schucht, M. Murek, L. A. Pérez-Romasanta, J. Belmonte-Beitia, V. M. Pérez-García -
The interplay of blood flow and temperature in regional hyperthermia: a mathematical approach
Royal Society Open Science 8, 201234 (2021)
J.J. Bosque, G.F. Calvo, V.M Pérez-García, M.C. Navarro -
Identification of a transient state during the acquisition of temozolomide resistance in glioblastoma
Cell Death & Disease 11, 19 (2020)
M. Rabe, S. Dummont, A. Álvarez-Arenas Alcami, H. Janati, J. Belmonte-Beitia, G.F. Calvo, C. Thibault-Charpentier, Q. Séry, C. Chauvin, N. Joalland, F. Briand, E. Scotet, C. Pecqueur, J. Clairambault, L. Oliver, A. Nadaradjane, V.M. Pérez-García, P. François Cartron, C. Gratas, F.M. Vallette -
Mitochondria transfer from tumor-activated stromal cells (TASCs) to primary Glioblastoma cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 533(1) 139-147 (2020)
C. Salaud, A. Alvarez-Arenas Alcami, F. Geraldo, J. Belmonte-Beitia, G.F. Calvo, C. Gratas, C. Pecqueur, D. Garnier, V.M. Pérez- García, F.M. Vallette, L. Oliver -
Relaxing quarantine after an epidemic: A mathematical study of the Spanish COVID-19 case
Researchgate preprint doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.36674.73929/1
V.M. Pérez-García -
Tumor width on T1-weighted MRI images of glioblastoma as a prognostic biomarker: A mathematical model
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 15, 10 (2020)
J. Pérez Beteta, J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.M. Pérez-García -
Universal scaling laws rule explosive growth in human cancers
Nature Physics 16, 1232-1237 (2020)
V.M. Pérez-García, G.F. Calvo, J.J. Bosque, O. León-Triana, J. Jiménez-Sánchez, J. Pérez-Beteta, J. Belmonte-Beitia, M. Valiente, L. Zhu, P. García-Gómez, P. Sánchez-Gómez, E. Hernández, R. Hortigüela, Y. Azimzade, D. Molina-García, A.Martínez-Rubio, A. Acosta, A. Ortiz de Mendivil, F. Vallette, P. Schucht, M. Murek, M.Pérez-Cano, D.Albillo, AF Honguero, G.A. Jiménez, E. Arana, AM García-Vicente -
Universal scaling laws rule explosive growth in human cancers
Nature Physics 16, 1232-1237 (2020)
V.M. Pérez-García, G.F. Calvo, J.J. Bosque, O. León-Triana, J. Jiménez-Sánchez, J. Pérez-Beteta, J. Belmonte-Beitia, M. Valiente, L. Zhu, P. García-Gómez, P. Sánchez-Gómez, E. Hernández, R. Hortigüela, Y. Azimzade, D. Molina-García, A.Martínez-Rubio, A. Acosta, A. Ortiz de Mendivil, F. Vallette, P. Schucht, M. Murek, M.Pérez-Cano, D.Albillo, AF Honguero, G.A. Jiménez, E. Arana, AM García-Vicente -
18F-Fluorocholine PET/CT in the prediction of molecular subtypes and prognosis for gliomas.
Clinical Nuclear Medicine 44(10) e548-e558 (2019).
A.M. Garcia Vicente, J. Perez-Beteta, M. Amo-Salas, F.J. Pena Pardo, M. Villena, H. Sandoval, M. Mollejo, R. Barbella, C.J. Klein, J.M. Borras, A.M. Soriano, V.M. Pérez-García -
Applied Mathematics in Oncology. How can we help cancer patients?
ICIAM Valencia Intelligencer (2019) 72-82
V.M. Pérez-García, S. Fitzpatrick, M. Pesic, P. Schucht, J.M. Sepúlveda, F.M. Vallette -
Computational design of improved standardized chemotherapy protocols for grade II oligodendrogliomas.
PLOS Computational Biology 15(7) (2019) e1006778
V.M. Pérez-García, L.E. Ayala-Hernández, J. Belmonte-Beitia, P. Schucht, M. Murek, A. Raabe -
Global heterogeneity assessed with 18F-FDG PET/CT. Relation with biological variables and prognosis in locally advanced breast cancer.
Rev Esp Med Nucl Im Mol 38(5) 290-297 (2019)
M.J. Tello-Galán, A.M. García Vicente, J. Pérez-Beteta, M. Amo-Salas, G.A. Jiménez Londoño, F.J. Pena Pardo, A. Soriano, V.M. Pérez García -
Mechanistic modelling of prostate-specific antigen dynamics shows potential for personalized prediction of radiation therapy outcome
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 20190195 (2019)
G. Lorenzo, V.M. Pérez-García, Alfonso Mariño, L.A. Pérez Romasanta, Alessandro Reali, H. Gómez -
Modulation of antioxidant potential with coenzyme Q10 suppressed invasion of temozolomide resistant rat glioma in vitro and in vivo
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2019, 3061607 (2019)
S. Stojkovic, A. Podolski-Renic, J. Dinic, T. Stankovic, M. Jovanovic, S. Hadžic, J.M. Ayuso, M. Virumbrales-Muñoz, L.J. Fernández, I. Ochoa, V.M. Perez-Garcia, M. Pešic -
Morphologic features on MR imaging classify multifocal glioblastomas in different prognostic groups
American Journal of Neuro-radiology 40 (4) 634-640 (2019).
J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina, M. Villena, M. Rodríguez, C. Velásquez, J. Martino, B. Meléndez, A.R. de Lope, R. Morcillo, J. Sepúlveda, A. Hernández, A. Ramos, J. Barcia, P. Lara, D. Albillo, A. Revert, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-Garcia -
Morphological MRI-based features provide pretreatment and post-surgery survival prediction in glioblastoma
European Radiology 29(4) 1968-1977 (2019)
J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina-García, A. Martínez-González, M. Amo, A. Henares-Molina, B. Luque, E. Arregui, M. Calvo, J.M.Borrás, J. Martino, C. Velasquez, B. Meléndez, A.R. de Lope, R. Moreno, J.A. Barcia, B. Asenjo, M. Benavides, I. Herruzo, P.C. Lara, R. Cabrera, D. Albillo, M. Navarro, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, A. Revert, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García -
Prognostic models based on imaging findings in glioblastoma: Human versus Machine
Scientific Reports 9:5982 (2019)
D. Molina-García, L. Vera, J. Pérez-Beteta, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García -
A three-dimensional computational analysis of magnetic resonance images characterizes the biological aggressiveness in malignant brain tumors
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15, 20180503 (2018).
J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, V.M. Pérez-García -
Intratumoral heterogeneity in 18F-FDG PET/CT by textural analysis in breast cancer as predictive and prognostic subrogate.
Annals of Nuclear Medicine 32(6), 379-388 (2018).
D. Molina A.M. García Vicente, J. Pérez-Beteta, M. Amo-Salas, A. Martínez-González, M.J. Tello Galán, A. Soriano, V.M. Pérez-García -
Labile Hemoglobin as a Glycemic Biomarker for Patient-Specific Monitoring of Diabetes: Mathematical Modelling Approach
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15(142), 20180224 (2018)
O. León-Triana, G.F. Calvo, J. Belmonte-Beitia, M. Rosa Durán, J. Escribano-Serrano, A. Michan-Doña, V.M. Pérez-García -
Regulation of the oxidative balance with Coenzyme Q10 sensitizes human glioblastoma cells to radiation and temozolomide
Radiotherapy and Oncology 128(2) 236-244 (2018)
J. Frontiñán, R. Santiago, C. Nieva, G. Ferrín, A. Martínez, M.V. Gomez, M. Moreno, J. Ariza, E. Lozano, J. Arjona, A. Gil, M. De la Mata, M. Pesic, J.R. Peinado, J.M. Villalba, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, V.M. Pérez-García, F.J. Alcaín, M. Durán-Prado -
Towards Uncertainty-Assisted Brain Tumor Segmentation and Survival Prediction
In: Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries. BrainLes 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10670. Springer
A. Jungo, R. McKinley, R. Meier, U. Knecht, L. Vera, J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina, V.M. Pérez-García, R. Wiest, M. Reyes -
Tumor Surface Regularity at MR Imaging Predicts Survival and Response to Surgery in Patients with Glioblastoma
Radiology 288(1), 218-225 (2018)
J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina, A. Fernández, B. Luque, E. Arregui, M. Calvo, J. M. Borrás, A. Fernández-Romero, B. Luque, B. Meléndez, A.R. de Lope, R. Moreno, L. Iglesias, J.A. Barcia, J. Martino, C. Velasquez, B. Asenjo, M. Benavides, I. Herruzo, A. Revert, E. Arana, V. M. Pérez-García -
A Mathematical Model Describes the Malignant Transformation of Low Grade Gliomas: Prognostic implications
PLOS One 12(8):e0179999 (2017)
M.U. Bogdanska, M. Bodnar, M.J. Piotrowska, M. Murek, P. Schucht, J. Beck, A. Martínez-González, V.M. Pérez-García -
A mathematical model of low grade gliomas treated with temozolomide and its therapeutical implications
Mathematical Biosciences 288 (2017) 1-13
M.U. Bogdanska, M. Bodnar, J. Belmonte-Beitia, M. Murek, P. Schucht, J. Beck, V.M. Pérez-García -
Assessing response in locally advanced breast cancer treated with neaodjuvant chemotherapy: Predictive and prognostic potential of volume-based metabolic variables with 18F-FDG PET/CT
Cancer Research 77, P4-01-04 (2017)
M.D.M. Munoz-Sanchez, A. Soriano, A.M. Garcia-Vicente, M.J. Molina-Garrido, J. Perez-Beteta, A. Olaverri-Herandez, D. Molina-Garcia, J.A.S. Crespo, V.M. Perez-Garcia, E. Val-Pérez, F. Martín-Ordóñez, J.I. Chacón-Muñiz, R. Álvarez-Cabellos, R. Espinosa-Aunión, C. Ortega-Ruipérez, M.J. Cantero, A. Castro, E. Vaquero, E. Catalá, F. Torrecillas and A. Soriano-Castrejón -
Combined in-silico and on-chip validation of pseudopalisade formation hypothesis in Glioblastoma
Neuro-Oncology 19(3):iii62-iii62 (2017)
A. Martínez-González, J.M. Ayuso, R. Monge, M. Virumbrales-Muñoz, G.A. Llamazares, A. Hernández-Laín, P. Sánchez-Gómez, V.M. Pérez-García, L.J. Fernández, I. Ochoa -
Glioblastoma on a microfluidic chip: Generating pseudopalisades and enhancing cancer cell’s aggressiveness through blood vessel obstruction events
Neuro-Oncology 19(4), 503-513 (2017).
J.M. Ayuso, R. Monge, A. Martínez-González, G.A. Llamazares, J. Berganzo, A. Hernández-Laín, J. Santolaria, M. Doblaré, C. Hubert, J. Rich, P. Sánchez-Gómez, V.M. Pérez-García, I. Ochoa, L.J. Fernández -
Glioblastoma: Does the pre-treatment geometry matter? A postcontrast T1 MRI-based study
European Radiology 27(3), 1096-1104 (2017)
J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, D. Molina, M. Amo, B. Luque, E. Arregui, M. Calvo, J. M. Borrás, C. López, M. Claramonte, J. Barcia, L. Iglesias, J. Avecillas, D.Albillo, M. Navarro, J.M. Villanueva, J.C. Paniagua, J. Martino, C. Velasquez, B. Asenjo, M. Benavides, I. Herruzo, M.C. Delgado, A. Del Valle, A. Falkov, P. Schucht, E. Arana, L. Pérez-Romasanta, V. M.Pérez-García -
Lack of robustness of textural measures obtained from 3D brain tumor MRIs impose a need for standardization
PLoS One 12(6):e0178843 (2017)
D. Molina, J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, J. Martino, C. Velasquez, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García -
Malignant transformation of low-grade gliomas. Prognostic implications from mathematical model
Neuro-Oncology 19(3), iii85-iii85 (2017)
M.U. Bogdanska, M. Bodnar, M.J. Piotrowska, M. Murek, P. Schucht, J. Beck, A. Martínez-Gonzalez, V.M. Perez-Garcia -
Metabolic tumor burden assessed by dual time point 18F-FDG PET/CT in locally advanced breast cancer: Relation with tumor biology.
Molecular Imaging and Biology 19(4), 636-644 (2017)
A.M. García-Vicente, J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, V.M. Pérez-García, D. Molina, G.A. Jiménez Londoño, A. Soriano-Castrejón -
Non-Standard Radiotherapy Fractionations Delay the Time to Malignant Transformation in Low-Grade Gliomas
PLoS One 12(6):e0178552 (2017)
A. Henares-Molina, S. Benzekry, P.C. Lara, M. García-Rojo, V.M Pérez-García, A. Martínez-González -
Novel geometrical imaging biomarkers predict survival and allow for patient selection for surgery in glioblastoma patients
Neuro-Oncology 19(3):iii80-iii80 (2017)
J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina, A. Martínez-González, E. Arregui, B. Asenjo, L. Iglesias, J. Martino, L. Pérez-Romasanta, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García -
Optimized radiotherapy protocols delay the malignant transformation of low-grade gliomas in-silico
Neuro Oncol (2017) 19 (3): iii12.
A. Henares-Molina, S. Benzecry, P. Lara, M. García-Rojo, V.M. Pérez-García, A. Martínez-González -
Recommendations for computation of textural measures obtained from 3D brain tumor MRIs: A robustness analysis points out the need for standardization
Neuro-Oncology 19 (3): iii44 (2017)
D. Molina, J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, C. Velásquez, J. Martino, B. Luque, A. Revert, I. Herruzo, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García -
Towards individualized survival prediction in glioblastoma patients using machine learning methods
Neuro-Oncology 19(3):iii84-iii84 (2017)
L. Vera, J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina, J.M. Borrás, M. Benavides, J.A. Barcia, C. Velásquez, D. Albillo, P. Lara, V.M. Pérez-García -
Applied mathematics and nonlinear sciences in the war on cancer
Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 1(2) (2016) 423-436
V.M. Pérez-García, S. Fitzpatrick, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, M. Pesic, P. Schucht, E. Arana, P. Sánchez-Gómez -
Dynamics and optimal control of chemotherapy for low grade gliomas: insights from a mathematical model
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 21, 1895-1915 (2016)
C. Rojas-Rodriguez, J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.M. Pérez-García, H. Maurer -
Extreme protraction for low grade gliomas: Theoretical proof of concept of a novel therapeutical strategy
Mathematical Medicine and Biology 33(3) 253-271 (2016).
V.M. Pérez-García, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta -
Geometrical measures obtained from pretreatment postcontrast T1 weighted MRIs predict survival benefits from bevacizumab in glioblastoma patients
PLoS One 11(8) e0161484 (2016).
D. Molina, J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, J.M. Sepúlveda, S. Peralta, M. Gil-Gil, G. Reynes, A. Herrero, R. De Las Peñas, R. Luque, J. Capellades, C. Balaña, V.M. Pérez-Garcia -
Hypoxia in Gliomas: Opening Therapeutical Opportunities Using a Mathematical-Based Approach.
Advances in experimental medicine and biology 936 (2016) 11-29
A. Martínez-González, G.F. Calvo, J.M. Ayuso, I. Ochoa, L.J. Fernández, V.M. Pérez-García -
Influence of grey level and space discretization on brain tumor heterogeneity measures obtained from MRIs
Computers in Biology and Medicine 78, 49-57 (2016)
D. Molina, J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, J. Martino, C. Velasquez, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García -
Metabolic tumor burden assessed by dual time point 18F-FDG PET/CT in breast cancer: Relation with tumor biology
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 43, S74-S75 (2016)
A.M. García Vicente, J. Pérez-Beteta, M. Tello Galán, D. Molina-García, G.J. Londono, V.M. Pérez-García, A. Martínez-González, F.P. Pardo, A. Soriano-Castrejón -
Nonlinear ghost waves accelerate the progression of high-grade brain tumors
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 39, 360-380 (2016)
R. Pardo, A. Martínez-González, V.M. Pérez-García -
Predictive and prognostic potential of volume-based metabolic variables with F-18-FDG PET/CT in locally advanced breast cancer
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Nuclear Imaging 43, S27-S28 (2016)
A.M. García Vicente, J. Pérez-Beteta, M. Tello Galán, D. Molina-García, G. J. Londono, V.M. Pérez-García, A. Martínez-González, F.P. Pardo, A. Soriano-Castrejón -
Resistance to DNA damaging agents produced invasive phenotype of rat glioma cells-characterization of a new in vivo model
Molecules 21, 843 (2016)
S. Stojkovic, A. Podolski-Renic, J. Dinic, Z. Pavkovic, J.M. Ayuso, L.J. Fernández, I. Ochoa, V.M. Pérez-García, V. Pešic, M. Pesic -
Transfer of drug resistance characteristics between cancer cell subpopulations: A study using simple mathematical models.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 78, 1218-1237 (2016)
M. Rosa Durán, A. Podolski-Renic, A. Álvarez-Arenas, J. Dinic, J. Belmonte-Beitia, M. Pesic, V. M. Pérez-García -
Tumour heterogeneity in glioblastoma assessed by MRI texture analysis: a potential marker of survival.
British Journal on Radiology 89, 2016242 (2016)
D. Molina, J. Pérez-Beteta, B. Luque, E. Arregui, M. Calvo, J. M. Borrás, C. López, J. Martino, C. Velasquez, B. Asenjo, M. Benavides, I. Herruzo, A. Martínez-González, E. Arana. L. Pérez, V. M. Pérez-García -
18F -FDG PET/CT characterization of solitary pulmonary nodules: Can we do better?
Journal of Thoracic Disease 7, E215-E218 (2015)
A. García Vicente, V. M. Pérez-García, A. Soriano -
An in vitro model for glioblastoma using microfluidics: Generating pseudopalisades on a chip
Cancer Research 75, B04 (2015)
J.M. Ayuso, R. Monge, A. Martínez-González, G.A. Llamazares, J. Berganzo, A. Hernández-Lain, J. Santolaria, M. Doblaré, P. Sánchez-Gómez, V.M. Pérez-García, I. Ochoa, L.J. Fernández -
Combined therapies of antithrombotics and antioxidants delay in silico brain tumors progression
Mathematical Medicine and Biology 32, 239-262 (2015)
A. Martínez-González, M. Durán-Pardo, G.F. Calvo, F.J. Alcaín, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, V.M. Pérez-García -
Delay effects in the response of low grade gliomas to radiotherapy: A mathematical model and its therapeutical implications
Mathematical Medicine and Biology 32, 307-329 (2015)
V.M. Pérez-García, M. Bogdanska, A. Martínez-González, J. Belmonte, P. Shucht, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta -
Mathematical models for low-grade gliomas predict alternative radiotherapy fractionations with improved survival
ITM Web of Conferences 5, 00006 (2015)
V.M. Pérez-García -
Optimal radiation fractionation for low-grade gliomas: Insights from a mathematical model
Mathematical of Biosciences 267, 1-9 (2015)
T. Galochkina, A. Bratus, V.M. Pérez-García -
Effective particle methods for the Fisher-Kolmogorov equations: Theory and applications to brain tumor dynamics
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 19, 3267-3283 (2014)
J. Belmonte-Beitia, G.F. Calvo, V.M. Pérez-García -
Glucose-lactate metabolic cooperation in glioma tumours: insights from a spatial mathematical model and implications for targeted therapy
Journal of Theoretical Biology 361, 190-203 (2014)
J.B. McGillen, C.J. Kelly, A. Martínez-González, N.K. Martin, E.A. Gaffney, P.K. Maini, V.M. Pérez-García -
Controlled generation of nonlinear excitations and vortex rings in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A 87, 053624 (2013)
F. Pinsker, N. G. Berloff, V.M. Pérez-García -
Mathematical model predicts response to radiotherapy of grade II gliomas
Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy 18, S63 (2013)
L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, J. Belmonte-Beitia, A. Martínez-González, G.F. Calvo, V.M. Pérez-García -
Modeling the connection between primary and metastatic tumors
Journal of Mathematical Biology 67, 657-692 (2013)
D. Diego, G.F. Calvo, V.M. Pérez-García -
A Mathematical model for the glucose-lactate metabolism of in-vitro cancer cells
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 74(5), 1125-1142 (2012).
B. Mendoza-Juez, A. Martínez-González, G.F. Calvo, V.M. Pérez-García -
Hypoxic Cell Waves Around Necrotic Cores in Glioblastoma: A Biomathematical Model and Its Therapeutic Implications
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 74, 2875-2896 (2012).
A. Martínez-González, G.F. Calvo, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, V.M. Pérez-García -
Bright solitary waves in malignant gliomas.
Physical Review E 84, 021921 (2011)
V.M. Pérez-García, G.F. Calvo, J. Belmonte-Beitia, D. Diego, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta -
Coherent Atomic Soliton Molecules for Matter-Wave Switching.
Physical Review A , 83, 051605(R) (2011)
C. Yin, N.G. Berloff, V.M. Pérez-García, D. Novoa, A. Vázquez-Carpentier, H. Michinel -
Kinetics studies during NaCl and KCl pork meat brining.
Journal of Food Engineering 106,102-110 (2011)
J.M. Barat, D. Baigts, M. Aliño, F.J. Fernández, V.M. Pérez-García -
Solitary waves in coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations with spatially inhomogeneous nonlinearities
Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulations. 16, 158-172 (2011)
J. Belmonte-Beitia, V. Brazhnyy, V.M. Perez-Garcia -
Stable multidimensional soliton stripes in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates.
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 44, 381-389 (2011)
V.A. Brazhnyi, V.M. Pérez-García -
Collapse in coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger equations: Sufficient conditions and Applications
Physica D 238, 1462-1467 (2009).
V. Prytula, V. Vekslerchik, V.M. Perez-Garcia -
Dissipation-induced coherent structures in Bose-Einstein condensates
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 144101 (2009) .
V.A. Brazhnyi, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Perez-Garcia, H. Ott -
Exact Bright and Dark Spatial Soliton Solutions in Saturable Nonlinear Media
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 41, 1791-1798 (2009)
G.F. Calvo, J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.M. Perez-Garcia -
Liquidlike dynamics of optical beams in tailored coherent media
Physical Review A 79, 013833 (2009)
A. Alexandrescu, H. Michinel, V.M. Pérez-García -
Localization phenomena in Nonlinear Schrodinger equations with spatially inhomogeneous nonlinearities: Theory and applications to Bose-Einstein condensates
Physica D 238, 1352-1361 (2009)
V.M. Perez-Garcia, R. Pardo -
Localized and periodic exact solutions to the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with spatially modulated parameters: Linear and nonlinear lattices
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 41, 1158–1166 (2009)
J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Perez Garcia, V.E. Vekslerchik -
Mapped Chebyshev pseudospectral method to study multiple scale phenomena
Computers Physics Communications 180, 912–919 (2009)
A. Alexandrescu, A. Bueno-Orovio, J.R. Salgueiro, V.M. Perez-Garcia -
Nonlinear phenomena in degenerate quantum gases
Physica D 238, 1289-1298 (2009).
V.M. Perez-Garcia, N.G. Berloff, P.G. Kevrekidis, V.V. Konotop, B.A. Malomed -
Nonperturbative vector solitary waves in four-level coherent media
Physical Review A 79, 063843 (2009)
A. Alexandrescu, J.R. Salgueiro, V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel -
Solitary waves for linearly coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations with inhomogeneous coefficients
Journal of Nonlinear Science, 19, 437-451 (2009).
J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.M. Perez-Garcia, P.J. Torres -
Eigenvalue cut-off in the cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrodinger equation
Physical Review E, 78, 027601 (2008).
V. Prytula, V. Vekslerchik, V.M. Pérez-García -
Lie Symmetries, qualitative analysis and exact solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with inhomogeneous nonlinearities
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 9, 221-233 (2008)
J. Belmonte-Beitia, V. M. Pérez-García, V. Vekslerchik, P. Torres -
Localized nonlinear waves in systems with time- and space-modulated nonlinearities
Physical Review Letters 100, 164102 (2008).
J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.M. Pérez-García, V. Vekslerchik, V.V. Konotop -
Stability of excited states of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an anharmonic trap
Physical Review A, 78, 013606 (2008).
D.A. Zezyulin, G.L. Alfimov, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Perez-Garcia -
Supersolitons: Solitonic excitations in atomic soliton chains
Physical Review Letters 101, 144101 (2008).
D. Novoa, B.A. Malomed, H. Michinel, V.M. Perez-Garcia -
Collapse in boson-fermion mixtures with all-repulsive interactions
Physical Review A 76, 043620 (2007).
V.I. Prytula, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez-García, V.E. Vekslerchik -
Control of nonlinear modes by scattering-length management in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A 76, 013621 (2007).
D.A. Zezyulin, G.L. Alfimov, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez-García -
Enhanced box and prism assisted algorithms for computing the correlation dimension
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 34, 509-518 (2007).
A. Bueno-Orovio, V.M. Pérez-García -
Levitation of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates: Macroscopic manifestation of the Franck-Condon effect
Europhysics Letters 80, 50005 (2007).
K. Nakamura, A. Kohi, H. Yamasaki, V. M. Pérez-García, V. V. Konotop -
Lie symmetries and solitons in nonlinear systems with spatially inhomogeneous nonlinearities
Physical Review Letters 98, 064102 (2007).
J. Belmonte-Beitia, V. M. Perez-Garcia, V. Vekslerchik, P. Torres -
Modulational instability, solitons and periodic waves in models of quantum degenerate Boson-Fermion mixtures
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 32, 1268-1277 (2007).
J. Belmonte, V.M. Pérez-García, V. Vekslerchik -
Stabilization of high-order solutions of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Physical Review E 75, 046609 (2007) .
A. Alexandrescu, G.D. Montesinos, V.M. Pérez-García -
Symmetry-assisted vorticity control in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A 75, 033618 (2007).
V.M. Perez-Garcia, M.A. Garcia-March, A. Ferrando -
The method of moments for Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations: Theory and Applications
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 67, 990-1015 (2007).
V.M. Pérez-García, G.D. Montesinos, P. Torres -
Analysis of an atom laser based on the spatial control of the scattering length
Physical Review A, 74, 013619 (2006).
A. Vázquez-Carpentier, H. Michinel, M.I. Rodas-Verde, V.M. Pérez-García -
Defect modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice with a localized impurity
Physical Review A, 74, 023614 (2006).
V.A. Brazhnyi, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez-García -
Dissipative solitons that cannot be trapped
Physical Review Letters 97, 254101 (2006).
R. Pardo, V.M. Pérez-García -
Driving defect modes of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices
Physical Review Letters 96, 060403 (2006).
V.A. Brazhnyi, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez-García -
Matter-wave solitons supported by dissipation
Physical Review A 73, 053610 (2006).
A. Alexandrescu, V.M. Pérez-García -
Similarity transformations of Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations with time-dependent coefficients
Physica D 221, 31-36 (2006).
V.M. Pérez-García, P. Torres, V.V. Konotop -
Spectral methods for Partial Differential Equations in Irregular Domains: The Spectral Smoothed Boundary Method
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 28, 886-900 (2006).
A. Bueno Orovio, V.M. Pérez García, F.H. Fenton -
Spectral Smoothed Boundary Methods: The role of external boundary conditions
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 22, 435-448 (2006).
A. Bueno Orovio, V.M. Pérez-García -
Stable propagation of pulsed beams in Kerr focusing media with modulated dispersion
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 23, 56-61 (2006).
M.I. Rodas-Verde, G.D. Montesinos, H. Michinel, V.M. Pérez-García -
Turning light into a liquid via atomic coherence
Physical Review Letters 96, 023903 (2006).
H, Michinel, M.J. Paz Alonso, V.M. Pérez-García -
Controllable soliton emission from a Bose-Einstein condensate
Physical Review Letters, 95, 153903 (2005)
M.I. Rodas-Verde, H. Michinel, V.M. Pérez-García -
N-body dynamics of stabilized vector solitons
Chaos, 15, 033501 (2005).
G.D. Montesinos, M.I. Rodas-Verde, V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel -
Numerical studies of stabilized Townes solitons
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 69, 447-456 (2005).
G.D. Montesinos, V.M. Pérez-García -
Stabilized vortex solitons in layered Kerr media
Physical Review E, 71, 036624 (2005).
G.D. Montesinos, V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel, J.R. Salgueiro -
Symbiotic solitons in heteronuclear quantum degenerate mixtures
Physical Review A, 72, 033620 (2005).
V.M. Pérez-García, J. Belmonte -
Feshbach resonance induced shock waves in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review Letters, 92 , 220403 (2004).
V.M. Pérez-García, V.V. Konotop, V.A. Brazhnyi -
Solitones estabilizados
Revista Española de Física, Julio-Septiembre, 57-60 (2004).
G.D. Montesinos, V.M. Pérez-García -
Stabilization of solitons of the multidimensional Nonlinear Schrodinger equation: Matter-wave breathers
Physica D, 191, 193-210 (2004).
G.D. Montesinos, V.M. Pérez García, P. Torres -
Stabilized two-dimensional vector solitons
Physical Review Letters, 92, 133901 (2004).
G.D. Montesinos, V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel -
Three-dimensional parallel vortex rings in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 70, 033605 (2004).
L.C. Crasovan, V.M. Pérez-García, I. Danaila, D. Mihalache, L. Torner -
A Numerical Scheme for the Simulation of Blow-up in the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 134, 271-291 (2003).
S. Jiménez, I.M. Llorente, A. Mancho, V.M. Pérez-García, L. Vázquez -
A Quasilocal Gross-Pitaevskii Equation for Bose-Einstein Condensates with Self-Attraction
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 62, 21-30 (2003).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.V. Konotop, B. Malomed, V.M. Pérez-García -
Exact solutions of the two-mode model of multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 3, 179-192 (2003).
V. Vekslerchik, V.M. Pérez-García -
Numerical Methods for the Simulation of trapped Nonlinear Schrödinger Systems
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 144, 215-235 (2003)
V.M. Pérez-García, X. Liu -
Scattering of dipole-mode vector solitons: Theory and experiment
Physical Review E, 68, 016612 (2003).
W. Krolikowski, G. McCarthy, Y.S. Kivshar, C. Weilnau, C. Denz, J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García -
Soliton molecules in trapped vector Nonlinear Schrödinger systems
Physical Review E , 67, 061804 (2003).
V.M. Pérez García, V. Vekslerchik -
Soliton molecules: Robust clusters of spatiotemporal optical solitons
Physical Review E, 67, 046610 (2003).
L.C. Crasovan, Y. Kartashov, D. Mihalache, Ll. Torner, Y.S. Kivshar, V.M. Pérez-García -
Stable vortex dipoles in Nonrotating Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 68, 063609 (2003).
L.C. Crasovan, V. Vekslerchik, V.M. Pérez-García, J.P. Torres, D. Mihalache, Ll. Torner -
Globally-Linked Vortex Clusters in Trapped Wave Fields
Physical Review A, 66, 036612 (2002).
L.C. Crasovan, G.Molina-Terriza, J.P. Torres, Ll. Torner, V.M. Pérez-García, D. Mihalache -
On the applicability of the classical dipole-dipole interaction for polar Bose-Einstein condensates
Physics Letters A, 300, 348-352 (2002).
V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez-García -
Split vortices in optically coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 66, 021602(R) (2002).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García, F. Sols -
Anomalous rotational properties of Bose-Einstein condensates in asymmetric traps
Physical Review A, 64, 013602 (2001).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García -
Construction of exact solutions by spatial traslations in inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Physical Review E 64, 056602 (2001).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García, V. Vekslerchik -
Multipole spatial vector solitons
Optics Letters, 26, 435-437 (2001).
A.S. Desyatnikov, D.Neshev, E.A. Ostrovskaya, Y.S. Kivshar, W. Krolikowski, B. Luther-Davies, J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García -
Optimizing Schrödinger functionals using Sobolev gradients: Applications to Quantum Mechanics nonlinear Optics
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 23, 1315-1333 (2001).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García -
Structural instabilities of vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review Letters, 87, 140403 (2001).
J.J. García-Ripoll, G. Molina-Terriza, V.M. Pérez-García, L. Torner -
Vortex bending and tightly packed vortex lattices in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 64, 053611 (2001).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez García -
Vortex nucleation and hysteresis phemena in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 63, 041603 (2001).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García -
Vortex revivals with trapped light
Optics Letters, 26, 1601-1603 (2001).
G. Molina-Terriza, Ll. Torner, E. Wrigth, J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García -
Dipole-mode vector solitons
Physical Review Letters, 85, 82-85 (2000).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García, E. Ostrovskaya, Y. Kivshar -
Dynamics of quasi-collapse in nonlinear Schrödinger systems with nonlocal interactions
Physical Review E, 62, 4300-4308 (2000).
V.M. Pérez-García, V.V. Konotop, J.J. García-Ripoll -
Light molecules: Dipole-Mode Vector Solitons
Optics & Photonics News, Diciembre 2000, 36-37 (2000).
W. Krolikowski, B. Luther-Davies, G. McCarthy, M. Geisser, Y. Kivshar, E.Ostrovskaya, C. Weilnau, C. Denz, J. J. Garcia-Ripoll, V. M. Pérez-García -
Moment analysis of paraxial propagation in a Nonlinear graded index fiber
Journal of Optics B: Quantum Semiclassical Optics, 2, 353-358 (2000).
V.M. Pérez-García, P. Torres, H. Michinel, J.J.García-Ripoll -
Solutions of Gross-Pitaevskii equations beyond the hydrodynamic approximation: Application to the vortex problem
Physical Review A, 62, 033610 (2000).
V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez García -
Spin mopoles with Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 61, 053609-053615 (2000).
J.J. García-Ripoll, J.I. Cirac, J. Anglin, V.M. Pérez-García, P. Zoller -
Stable and unstable vortices in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review Letters, 84, 4264-4267 (2000).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García -
Two-mode theory of vortex stability in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 62, 033601 (2000).
V.M. Pérez-García, J.J. García-Ripoll -
Atomic soliton reservoir: How to increase the critical atom number in negative-scattering-length Bose-Einstein gases
Physical Review A, 60, 1513-1519 (1999).
H. Michinel, V.M. Pérez-García, R. de la Fuente -
Barrier resonances in Bose-Einstein condensation
Physical Review A, 59, 2220-2229 (1999).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García -
Extended parametric resonances in nonlinear Schrödinger systems
Physical Review Letters, 83, 1715-1718 (1999).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García, P. Torres -
Stability of vortices in inhomogeneous Bose condensates subject to rotation: A three-dimensional analysis
Physical Review A, 60, 4864-4872 (1999).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García -
Bose-Einstein solitons in highly asymmetric traps
Physical Review A, 57, 3837-3842 (1998).
V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel, H. Herrero -
Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates: Variational Solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equations
Physical Review A, 56, 1424-1432 (1997).
V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel, I. Cirac, M. Lewenstein, P. Zoller -
Interaction of a dark soliton with a localized impurity
Physics Letters A, 236, 314-318 (1997).
V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez-García, Y.F. Tang, L. Vázquez -
Loss-induced transverse effects in lasers
Optics Communications, 143, 315-321 (1997).
O. G. Calderón, V. M. Pérez-García, J. Lega, J. M. Guerra -
Stability and collective excitations of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensed gas: A moment approach
Physical Review A, 56, 2978-2983 (1997).
T. Busch, J.I. Cirac, V.M. Pérez-García, P. Zoller -
Symplectic Methods for the Ablowitz-Ladik model
Applied Mathematics Computation, 82, 17-38 (1997).
Y.F. Tang, V.M. Pérez-García, L. Vázquez -
Different and coexisting routes to chaos along a common bifurcation path in the Maxwell-Bloch equations
International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, 6, 589-601 (1996).
I. Pastor, V.M. Pérez-García, F. Encinas, J.M. Guerra -
Low energy excitations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate: A time-dependent variational analysis
Physical Review Letters, 77, 5320-5324 (1996).
V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel, J. I. Cirac, M. Lewenstein, P. Zoller -
Nonlinear Optics, Multigrid Methods Parallel Computing: A case study
SIAM News, April, 12-14 (1996).
I. Martín, V.M. Pérez García, F. Tirado, L. Vázquez -
Numerical solutions of the Maxwell-Bloch laser equations
Journal of Computational Physics, 129, 181-189 (1996).
G. Ben-Yu, I. Martín, V.M. Pérez-García, L. Vázquez -
Symplectic Methods for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 32, 73-83 (1996).
Y.F. Tang, L. Vázquez, F. Zang, V.M. Pérez-García -
Transverse mode selection in single-longitudinal mode lasers
Physical Review A, 53, 3490-3496 (1996).
O. Gómez-Calderón, V.M. Pérez-García, I. Martín, J.M. Guerra -
Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Schrödinger Systems: Theory and Applications
World Scientific, Singapore (1995).
L. Vázquez, L. Streit, V.M. Pérez-García (Eds.) -
Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Schrödinger Systems: A New Conservative Scheme
Applied Mathematics Computation, 71, 164-177 (1995).
Z. Fei, V.M. Pérez-García, L. Vázquez -
Order-disorder transitions in a dye laser dynamics
Physical Review A, 52, 2392-2400 (1995).
V.M. Pérez-García, I. Pastor, J.M. Guerra -
The Nonlinear Schrödinger equation with dissipation and the moment method
Physics Letters A, 202, 176-182 (1995).
V.M. Pérez-García, M.A. Porras, L. Vázquez -
Weak turbulence in a high Fresnel number dye laser
International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, 4, 1363-1368 (1994).
V.M. Pérez-García, J.M. Guerra -
Weak turbulent behavior and dynamical frequency locking in a high Fresnel number laser
Physical Review A, 50, 1646-1663 (1994).
V.M. Pérez-García, J.M. Guerra -
Chiral vs. Symmetric States in Optical Isomers
Nuovo Cimento D, 15, 621-629 (1993).
V.M. Pérez-García, I. Gonzalo, J.L. Pérez Díaz -
Nonlinear plane wave solutions to the semiclassic Maxwell-Bloch laser equations
Physica D, 66, 412-426 (1993).
I. Pastor, V.M. Pérez-García, F. Encinas, J.M. Guerra, L. Vázquez -
Ordered and chaotic behaviour of two coupled Van der Pol oscillators
Physical Review E, 48, 171-182 (1993).
I. Pastor, V.M. Pérez-García, F. Encinas, J.M. Guerra -
On the integrability of the classical hydrogen atom in a magnetic field
European Journal of Physics, 13, 160-166 (1992).
V.M. Pérez-García, J.I. Martín, A.F. Rañada -
Theory of the stability of the quantum chiral state
Physics Letters A, 167, 377-382 (1992).
V.M. Pérez-García, I. Gonzalo, J.L. Pérez Díaz -
Chirality and electronic state: A new explanation of the stability of chiral molecules
Physics Letters A, 160, 453-456 (1991).
J.L. Pérez Díaz, V.M. Pérez-García, I. Gonzalo
- Establishing a non-invasive approach to accurately diagnose and assess brain tumors
Canadian Cancer Society (2024 - 2027) - Improving New Therapies in Oncology and Related Fields using mathematical models and biomedical data
Ministry of Science and Innovation (National Research Plan) (2023 - 2026) - Mathematical models for the digital transition in neuro-oncology: In-silico design of a clinical trial for glioblastoma.
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (NextGenerationEU) (2023 - 2024) - Optimization of tisagenlecleucel treatments of lymphoma: An integrated human data-based approach using mathematical models
NOVARTIS (2023 - 2025) - Validation and transfer of oncological data and biomarkers based on mathematical models (AFTERbioMATH)
Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain), Proof of Concept Program (2023 - 2024) - Early identification of relapse and treatment optimization in acute lymphoblastic leukaemias through mathematical modelling and discriminant analysis
Junta de Andalucía (2020 - 2023) - Improving cell therapies in neuroblastoma through mathematical modelling
NeN Association (2020 - 2023) - Mathematical models in Oncology
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) (2020 - 2023)
“Graduate (1991) PhD (Complutense U., Madrid, 1995). Associate professor (1997) and full professor (2002) in Applied Mathematics at the Mathematics Department of the University of Castilla-La Mancha. He has published more than 170 research papers with more than 11000 Google citations and has an H-index of 52. He is editor in chief of the journal “Physica D: “Nonlinear Phenomena” and serves in the editorial board of “npj Systems Biology and Applications”. He is the coordinator of the Applied Mathematics panel at the Spanish National Research Agency and has been a member of the Marie Curie evaluation committee and of many international project evaluation boards in oncology and/or applied mathematics in France, UK, Poland, Austria, Romania, Cyprus, Latvia, Spain, etc. His main field of research is the application of mathematical modeling to oncology and more specifically to brain tumors, metastasis, cellular immunotherapies, biomarkers, medical images, lymphomas, leukaemias, prostate cancer, etc. In this field he has led several projects funded by public institutions, private foundations such as the James S. Mc. Donnell Foundation and pharmaceutical companies such as NOVARTIS. More specifically he is interested in the development and validation of mechanistic mathematical models that shed light on oncological processes and may be used as platforms to personalize treatments and develop in-silico trials. Also he is interested in the development of mathematical model-based biomarkers of response to treatments.” |
- Modeling Fibrous Dysplasia Progression and its Therapeutic Intervention
Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena 20, 3 (2025)
Juan C. Beltran-Vargas, Luis F. de Castro, Gabriel F. Calvo and Victor M. Pérez-García - A glance at evolvability: a theoretical analysis of its role in the evolutionary dynamics of cell populations
J. Jiménez-Sánchez, C. Ortega-Sabater, P. K. Maini, V.M. Pérez-García, T. Lorenzi - A Mathematical Model for Fibrous Dysplasia: The Role of the Flow of Mutant Cells
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 86, 108 (2024)
M. Soloviova, J.C. Beltrán-Vargas, L. Fernández De Castro, J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.M. Pérez-García, M. Caballero - Chromosomal instability in aneuploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia associates with disease progression
EMBO Molecular Medicine 16, 64-92 (2024)
O Molina, C Ortega-Sabater, N Thampi, N Fernández, M Guerrero, A Martínez, M Vinyoles, T Velasco, C Bueno, JL Trincado, I Granada, D Campos, C Giménez, JM Boer , ML den Boer, GF Calvo, Mireia Camós, JL Fuster P Velasco, P Ballerini, F Locatelli, CG Mullighan, DCJ Spierings, F Foijer, VM Pérez-García, P Menéndez - Growth dynamics of lung nodules: implications for classification in lung cancer screening
Cancer Imaging 24, 113 (2024)
B. Ocaña-Tienda, A. Eroles-Simó, J. Pérez-Beteta, E. Arana, V. M. Pérez-García - Mathematical model of CAR-T-cell therapy for a B-cell Lymphoma lymph node
S. Sabir, O. León-Triana, S, Serrano, R, Barrio, V. M. Pérez-García - Mathematical modeling of brain metastases growth and response to therapies: A review
Mathematical Biosciences 373, 109207 (2024)
Beatriz Ocaña-Tienda, Víctor M. Pérez-García - Morphological MRI features as prognostic indicators in brain metastases
Cancer Imaging 24, 111 (2024)
Ocaña-Tienda B, Pérez-Beteta J, Ortiz de Mendivil A, Asenjo B, Albillo D, Pérez-Romasanta LA, LLorente M, Carballo N, Arana E, Pérez-García VM. - Radiation necrosis after radiation therapy treatment of brain metastases: A computational approach
PLOS Computational Biology 20(1) e1011400 (2024)
Beatriz Ocana-Tienda, Odelaisy Leon-Triana, Julian Perez-Beteta, Juan Jiménez-Sánchez, Victor M. Perez-Garcia - Understanding the role of B cells in CAR T-cell therapy in leukemia through a mathematical model
Chaos 34, 083142 (2024)
S. Serrano, R. Barrio, A. Martínez-Rubio, J. Belmonte-Beitia, V. M. Pérez-García - Volumetric Analysis: Rethinking Brain Metastases Response Assessment
Neuro-Oncoloy Advances 6(1), 1-9 (2024)
B Ocaña-Tienda, J Pérez-Beteta, JA Romero-Rosales, B Asenjo, A Ortiz, LA Pérez Romasanta, JD Albillo, F Nagib, M Vidal Denis, B. Luque, E. Arana, VM Pérez-García - A comprehensive dataset of annotated brain metastasis MR images with clinical and radiomic data
Scientific Data 10, 208 (2023)
Ocaña-Tienda B, Pérez-Beteta J, Villanueva JD, Romero JA, Molina D, Suter Y, Asenjo B, Albillo D, Ortiz A, Pérez-Romasanta LA, González E, Llorente M, Carballo N, Nagib F, Vidal M, Luque B, Reyes M, Arana E, Pérez-García VM - Breaking Down Cell-Free DNA Fragmentation: A Markov Model Approach
biorxiv (doi:10.1101/2023.07.06.547953)
Terence H.L. Tsui, Phil F. Xie, Salvador Chulián, Víctor M. Pérez-García - Growth dynamics of brain metastases differentiate radiation necrosis from recurrence
Neurooncology Advances 5(1), vdac179 (2023)
B. Ocaña-Tienda, J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina-García, B. Asenjo, A. Ortiz de Mendivil, D. Albillo, LA Pérez-Romasanta, E. González del Portillo, M. Llorente, N. Carballo, E. Arana, Víctor M Pérez-García - Growth exponents reflect evolutionary processes and treatment response in brain metastases
npj Systems Biology and Applications 9, 35 (2023)
B. Ocaña-Tienda, J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina-García, J. Jiménez-Sánchez, O. Leon-Triana, A. Ortiz de Mendivil, B. Asenjo, D. Albillo, L. Pérez-Romasanta, M. Valiente, L. Zhu, P. García- Gómez, E. González-Del Portillo, M. Llorente, N. Carballo, E. Arana, V. M. Pérez-García - Metabolic Activity Grows in Human Cancers Pushed by Phenotypic Variability
iScience 26(3) 106118 (2023)
J.J. Bosque, G.F. Calvo, D. Molina-García, J. Pérez-Beteta, A.M. García Vicente, V. M. Pérez-García - Overcoming chemotherapy resistance in low-grade gliomas: A computational approach
PLoS Computational Biology 19(11): e1011208 (2023)
Delobel T, Ayala-Hernández LE, Bosque JJ, Pérez-Beteta J, Chulián S, García-Ferrer M, Piñero P, Schucht P, Murek M, Pérez-García VM - Stochastic Fluctuations Drive Non-genetic Evolution of Proliferation in Clonal Cancer Cell Populations
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 85(1) 8 (2023)
C Ortega-Sabater, GF Calvo, Jelena Dinic, Ana Podolski, Milica Pesic, VM Perez-Garcia - The shape of cancer relapse: Topological data analysis predicts recurrence in paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
PLOS Computational Biology 19(8) e1011329 (2023)
S. Chulián, B. J. Stolz, A. Martínez-Rubio, C. Blázquez-Goñi, J. F. Rodríguez, T. Caballero, A. Molinos, M. Ramírez-Orellana, A. Castillo, J. L. Fuster, A. Minguela, M. V. Martínez, M. Rosa, V. M. Pérez-García, H. Byrne - Mathematical models of leukaemia and its treatment: a review
SEMA Journal 79, 441-486 (2022)
S. Chulián, Á. Martínez-Rubio, M. Rosa, V. M. Pérez-García - Multiple and diffuse gliomas by 18F-Fluorocholine PET/CT: two sides of the same coin
Clinical Nuclear Medicine 47(6), e457-e465 (2022)
A. M. García Vicente, J. Pérez-Beteta, J. J. Bosque, A. M. Soriano, V. M. Pérez-García - On optimal temozolomide scheduling for slowly growing glioblastomas
Neuro-Oncology Advances 4(1), vdac155, 1-13 (2022)
B. Segura-Collar, J. Jiménez-Sánchez, R. Gargini, M. Dragoj, J. M. Sepúlveda, M. Pesic, M. A. Ramírez, L. E. Ayala-Hernández, P.Sánchez-Gómez, V. M Pérez-García - Patient-specific forecasting of post-radiotherapy prostate-specific antigen kinetics enables early prediction of biochemical relapse
iScience 25, 105430 (2022)
G. Lorenzo, N. di Muzio, C. L. Deantoni, C. Cozzarini, A. Fodor, A. Briganti, F. Montorsi, V. M. Pérez-García, H. Gómez, A. Reali - SUVmax to tumor perimeter distance: a robust radiomics prognostic biomarker in resectable non-small cell lung cancer patients
European Radiology 32, 3889-3902 (2022)
G. A. Jiménez-Londoño, A. M. García Vicente, J. J. Bosque, M. Amo-Salas, J. Pérez-Beteta, A. F. Honguero-Martinez, V. M. Pérez-García, A. M. Soriano - Evolutionary dynamics at the tumor edge reveals metabolic imaging biomarkers
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 118(6) e2018110118 (2021).
J. Jiménez-Sánchez, J.J. Bosque, G.A. Jiménez-Londoño, D. Molina-García, A. Martínez-Rubio, J. Pérez-Beteta, C. Ortega-Sabater, A.F Honguero-Martínez, A.M. García-Vicente, G.F. Calvo, V.M. Pérez-García - A Mathematical Description of the Bone Marrow Dynamics of CAR T-Cell Therapy in B-cell Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
International J. of Molecular Sciences 22, 6371 (2021)
A. Martínez-Rubio, S. Chulián, C. Blázquez Goñi, A. Pérez Martínez, M. Ramírez Orellana, A. Navarro-Zapata, C. Ferreras, V.M. Pérez-García, M. Rosa - A mesoscopic simulator to uncover heterogeneity and evolutionary dynamics in tumors
PLoS Computational Biology 17(2) e1008266 (2021).
J. Jiménez-Sánchez, A. Martínez-Rubio, A. Popov, J. Pérez-Beteta, Y. Azimzade, D. Molina-García, J. Belmonte-Beitia, G.F. Calvo, V.M. Pérez-García - Brain Metastasis Response to Stereotactic Radio Surgery: A Mathematical Approach
Mathematics 9(7) 716 (2021)
O. León-Triana, J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Albillo, A. Ortiz de Mendivil, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, E. González del Portillo, M. Llorente, N. Carballo, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García - CAR T cell therapy in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: Insights from mathematical models
Comm Nonlin Sci Numer Simul 94, 105570 (2021)
O. León-Triana, S. Sabir, G.F. Calvo, J. Belmonte-Beitia, S. Chulian, A. Martínez-Rubio, M. Rosa, A. Pérez-Martínez, M. Ramírez-Orellana, V.M. Pérez-García - CAR T cells for T-cell leukemias: Insights from mathematical models
Comm Nonlin Sci Numer Simul, 96, 105684 (2021)
V.M. Pérez-García, O. León-Triana, M. Rosa, A. Pérez-Martínez - Dual-Target Car-Ts With on- and off-Tumour Activity May Override Immune Suppression in Solid Cancers: A Mathematical Proof of Concept
Cancers 13, 703 (2021)
O. León-Triana, A. Pérez-Martínez, M. Ramírez-Orellana, V.M. Pérez-García - Dynamical properties of feedback signalling in B lymphopoiesis: A mathematical modelling approach
Journal of Theoretical Biology 110685 (2021)
S. Chulián, A. Martínez-Rubio, A. Marciniak-Czochra, T. Stiehl, C.B. Goñi, J.F. Rodríguez Gutiérrez, M.R. Orellana, A.C. Robleda, V.M. Pérez-García, M. Rosa - High-dimensional Analysis of Single-cell Flow Cytometry Data Predicts Relapse in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Cancers 13(1), 17 (2021).
S. Chulián, A. Martínez-Rubio, V.M. Pérez-García, M. Rosa, C. Blázquez-Goñi, J.F. Rodríguez Gutiérrez, L. Hermosín-Ramos, A. Molinos-Quintana, T. Caballero-Velázquez, M. Ramírez-Orellana, A. Castillo Robleda, J.L Fernández-Martínez - In vitro biomimetic models for glioblastoma-a promising tool for drug response studies
Drug Resistance Updates 55, 100753 (2021)
T. Stankovic, T. Randelovic, M. Dragoj, S.S. Buric, L. Fernández, I. Ochoa, V.M. Pérez-García, M. Pesic - Nonlinear science against the COVID-19 pandemic
Physica D 424 (2021) 132946
V.M. Pérez-García - Optimal Combinations of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in Low-Grade Gliomas: A Mathematical Approach
Journal of Personalized Medicine 2021, 11 (2021) 1036
L. E. Ayala-Hernández, A. Gallegos, P. Schucht, M. Murek, L. A. Pérez-Romasanta, J. Belmonte-Beitia, V. M. Pérez-García - The interplay of blood flow and temperature in regional hyperthermia: a mathematical approach
Royal Society Open Science 8, 201234 (2021)
J.J. Bosque, G.F. Calvo, V.M Pérez-García, M.C. Navarro - Identification of a transient state during the acquisition of temozolomide resistance in glioblastoma
Cell Death & Disease 11, 19 (2020)
M. Rabe, S. Dummont, A. Álvarez-Arenas Alcami, H. Janati, J. Belmonte-Beitia, G.F. Calvo, C. Thibault-Charpentier, Q. Séry, C. Chauvin, N. Joalland, F. Briand, E. Scotet, C. Pecqueur, J. Clairambault, L. Oliver, A. Nadaradjane, V.M. Pérez-García, P. François Cartron, C. Gratas, F.M. Vallette - Mitochondria transfer from tumor-activated stromal cells (TASCs) to primary Glioblastoma cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 533(1) 139-147 (2020)
C. Salaud, A. Alvarez-Arenas Alcami, F. Geraldo, J. Belmonte-Beitia, G.F. Calvo, C. Gratas, C. Pecqueur, D. Garnier, V.M. Pérez- García, F.M. Vallette, L. Oliver - Relaxing quarantine after an epidemic: A mathematical study of the Spanish COVID-19 case
Researchgate preprint doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.36674.73929/1
V.M. Pérez-García - Tumor width on T1-weighted MRI images of glioblastoma as a prognostic biomarker: A mathematical model
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 15, 10 (2020)
J. Pérez Beteta, J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.M. Pérez-García - Universal scaling laws rule explosive growth in human cancers
Nature Physics 16, 1232-1237 (2020)
V.M. Pérez-García, G.F. Calvo, J.J. Bosque, O. León-Triana, J. Jiménez-Sánchez, J. Pérez-Beteta, J. Belmonte-Beitia, M. Valiente, L. Zhu, P. García-Gómez, P. Sánchez-Gómez, E. Hernández, R. Hortigüela, Y. Azimzade, D. Molina-García, A.Martínez-Rubio, A. Acosta, A. Ortiz de Mendivil, F. Vallette, P. Schucht, M. Murek, M.Pérez-Cano, D.Albillo, AF Honguero, G.A. Jiménez, E. Arana, AM García-Vicente - Universal scaling laws rule explosive growth in human cancers
Nature Physics 16, 1232-1237 (2020)
V.M. Pérez-García, G.F. Calvo, J.J. Bosque, O. León-Triana, J. Jiménez-Sánchez, J. Pérez-Beteta, J. Belmonte-Beitia, M. Valiente, L. Zhu, P. García-Gómez, P. Sánchez-Gómez, E. Hernández, R. Hortigüela, Y. Azimzade, D. Molina-García, A.Martínez-Rubio, A. Acosta, A. Ortiz de Mendivil, F. Vallette, P. Schucht, M. Murek, M.Pérez-Cano, D.Albillo, AF Honguero, G.A. Jiménez, E. Arana, AM García-Vicente - 18F-Fluorocholine PET/CT in the prediction of molecular subtypes and prognosis for gliomas.
Clinical Nuclear Medicine 44(10) e548-e558 (2019).
A.M. Garcia Vicente, J. Perez-Beteta, M. Amo-Salas, F.J. Pena Pardo, M. Villena, H. Sandoval, M. Mollejo, R. Barbella, C.J. Klein, J.M. Borras, A.M. Soriano, V.M. Pérez-García - Applied Mathematics in Oncology. How can we help cancer patients?
ICIAM Valencia Intelligencer (2019) 72-82
V.M. Pérez-García, S. Fitzpatrick, M. Pesic, P. Schucht, J.M. Sepúlveda, F.M. Vallette - Computational design of improved standardized chemotherapy protocols for grade II oligodendrogliomas.
PLOS Computational Biology 15(7) (2019) e1006778
V.M. Pérez-García, L.E. Ayala-Hernández, J. Belmonte-Beitia, P. Schucht, M. Murek, A. Raabe - Global heterogeneity assessed with 18F-FDG PET/CT. Relation with biological variables and prognosis in locally advanced breast cancer.
Rev Esp Med Nucl Im Mol 38(5) 290-297 (2019)
M.J. Tello-Galán, A.M. García Vicente, J. Pérez-Beteta, M. Amo-Salas, G.A. Jiménez Londoño, F.J. Pena Pardo, A. Soriano, V.M. Pérez García - Mechanistic modelling of prostate-specific antigen dynamics shows potential for personalized prediction of radiation therapy outcome
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 20190195 (2019)
G. Lorenzo, V.M. Pérez-García, Alfonso Mariño, L.A. Pérez Romasanta, Alessandro Reali, H. Gómez - Modulation of antioxidant potential with coenzyme Q10 suppressed invasion of temozolomide resistant rat glioma in vitro and in vivo
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2019, 3061607 (2019)
S. Stojkovic, A. Podolski-Renic, J. Dinic, T. Stankovic, M. Jovanovic, S. Hadžic, J.M. Ayuso, M. Virumbrales-Muñoz, L.J. Fernández, I. Ochoa, V.M. Perez-Garcia, M. Pešic - Morphologic features on MR imaging classify multifocal glioblastomas in different prognostic groups
American Journal of Neuro-radiology 40 (4) 634-640 (2019).
J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina, M. Villena, M. Rodríguez, C. Velásquez, J. Martino, B. Meléndez, A.R. de Lope, R. Morcillo, J. Sepúlveda, A. Hernández, A. Ramos, J. Barcia, P. Lara, D. Albillo, A. Revert, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-Garcia - Morphological MRI-based features provide pretreatment and post-surgery survival prediction in glioblastoma
European Radiology 29(4) 1968-1977 (2019)
J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina-García, A. Martínez-González, M. Amo, A. Henares-Molina, B. Luque, E. Arregui, M. Calvo, J.M.Borrás, J. Martino, C. Velasquez, B. Meléndez, A.R. de Lope, R. Moreno, J.A. Barcia, B. Asenjo, M. Benavides, I. Herruzo, P.C. Lara, R. Cabrera, D. Albillo, M. Navarro, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, A. Revert, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García - Prognostic models based on imaging findings in glioblastoma: Human versus Machine
Scientific Reports 9:5982 (2019)
D. Molina-García, L. Vera, J. Pérez-Beteta, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García - A three-dimensional computational analysis of magnetic resonance images characterizes the biological aggressiveness in malignant brain tumors
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15, 20180503 (2018).
J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, V.M. Pérez-García - Intratumoral heterogeneity in 18F-FDG PET/CT by textural analysis in breast cancer as predictive and prognostic subrogate.
Annals of Nuclear Medicine 32(6), 379-388 (2018).
D. Molina A.M. García Vicente, J. Pérez-Beteta, M. Amo-Salas, A. Martínez-González, M.J. Tello Galán, A. Soriano, V.M. Pérez-García - Labile Hemoglobin as a Glycemic Biomarker for Patient-Specific Monitoring of Diabetes: Mathematical Modelling Approach
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15(142), 20180224 (2018)
O. León-Triana, G.F. Calvo, J. Belmonte-Beitia, M. Rosa Durán, J. Escribano-Serrano, A. Michan-Doña, V.M. Pérez-García - Regulation of the oxidative balance with Coenzyme Q10 sensitizes human glioblastoma cells to radiation and temozolomide
Radiotherapy and Oncology 128(2) 236-244 (2018)
J. Frontiñán, R. Santiago, C. Nieva, G. Ferrín, A. Martínez, M.V. Gomez, M. Moreno, J. Ariza, E. Lozano, J. Arjona, A. Gil, M. De la Mata, M. Pesic, J.R. Peinado, J.M. Villalba, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, V.M. Pérez-García, F.J. Alcaín, M. Durán-Prado - Towards Uncertainty-Assisted Brain Tumor Segmentation and Survival Prediction
In: Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries. BrainLes 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10670. Springer
A. Jungo, R. McKinley, R. Meier, U. Knecht, L. Vera, J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina, V.M. Pérez-García, R. Wiest, M. Reyes - Tumor Surface Regularity at MR Imaging Predicts Survival and Response to Surgery in Patients with Glioblastoma
Radiology 288(1), 218-225 (2018)
J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina, A. Fernández, B. Luque, E. Arregui, M. Calvo, J. M. Borrás, A. Fernández-Romero, B. Luque, B. Meléndez, A.R. de Lope, R. Moreno, L. Iglesias, J.A. Barcia, J. Martino, C. Velasquez, B. Asenjo, M. Benavides, I. Herruzo, A. Revert, E. Arana, V. M. Pérez-García - A Mathematical Model Describes the Malignant Transformation of Low Grade Gliomas: Prognostic implications
PLOS One 12(8):e0179999 (2017)
M.U. Bogdanska, M. Bodnar, M.J. Piotrowska, M. Murek, P. Schucht, J. Beck, A. Martínez-González, V.M. Pérez-García - A mathematical model of low grade gliomas treated with temozolomide and its therapeutical implications
Mathematical Biosciences 288 (2017) 1-13
M.U. Bogdanska, M. Bodnar, J. Belmonte-Beitia, M. Murek, P. Schucht, J. Beck, V.M. Pérez-García - Assessing response in locally advanced breast cancer treated with neaodjuvant chemotherapy: Predictive and prognostic potential of volume-based metabolic variables with 18F-FDG PET/CT
Cancer Research 77, P4-01-04 (2017)
M.D.M. Munoz-Sanchez, A. Soriano, A.M. Garcia-Vicente, M.J. Molina-Garrido, J. Perez-Beteta, A. Olaverri-Herandez, D. Molina-Garcia, J.A.S. Crespo, V.M. Perez-Garcia, E. Val-Pérez, F. Martín-Ordóñez, J.I. Chacón-Muñiz, R. Álvarez-Cabellos, R. Espinosa-Aunión, C. Ortega-Ruipérez, M.J. Cantero, A. Castro, E. Vaquero, E. Catalá, F. Torrecillas and A. Soriano-Castrejón - Combined in-silico and on-chip validation of pseudopalisade formation hypothesis in Glioblastoma
Neuro-Oncology 19(3):iii62-iii62 (2017)
A. Martínez-González, J.M. Ayuso, R. Monge, M. Virumbrales-Muñoz, G.A. Llamazares, A. Hernández-Laín, P. Sánchez-Gómez, V.M. Pérez-García, L.J. Fernández, I. Ochoa - Glioblastoma on a microfluidic chip: Generating pseudopalisades and enhancing cancer cell’s aggressiveness through blood vessel obstruction events
Neuro-Oncology 19(4), 503-513 (2017).
J.M. Ayuso, R. Monge, A. Martínez-González, G.A. Llamazares, J. Berganzo, A. Hernández-Laín, J. Santolaria, M. Doblaré, C. Hubert, J. Rich, P. Sánchez-Gómez, V.M. Pérez-García, I. Ochoa, L.J. Fernández - Glioblastoma: Does the pre-treatment geometry matter? A postcontrast T1 MRI-based study
European Radiology 27(3), 1096-1104 (2017)
J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, D. Molina, M. Amo, B. Luque, E. Arregui, M. Calvo, J. M. Borrás, C. López, M. Claramonte, J. Barcia, L. Iglesias, J. Avecillas, D.Albillo, M. Navarro, J.M. Villanueva, J.C. Paniagua, J. Martino, C. Velasquez, B. Asenjo, M. Benavides, I. Herruzo, M.C. Delgado, A. Del Valle, A. Falkov, P. Schucht, E. Arana, L. Pérez-Romasanta, V. M.Pérez-García - Lack of robustness of textural measures obtained from 3D brain tumor MRIs impose a need for standardization
PLoS One 12(6):e0178843 (2017)
D. Molina, J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, J. Martino, C. Velasquez, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García - Malignant transformation of low-grade gliomas. Prognostic implications from mathematical model
Neuro-Oncology 19(3), iii85-iii85 (2017)
M.U. Bogdanska, M. Bodnar, M.J. Piotrowska, M. Murek, P. Schucht, J. Beck, A. Martínez-Gonzalez, V.M. Perez-Garcia - Metabolic tumor burden assessed by dual time point 18F-FDG PET/CT in locally advanced breast cancer: Relation with tumor biology.
Molecular Imaging and Biology 19(4), 636-644 (2017)
A.M. García-Vicente, J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, V.M. Pérez-García, D. Molina, G.A. Jiménez Londoño, A. Soriano-Castrejón - Non-Standard Radiotherapy Fractionations Delay the Time to Malignant Transformation in Low-Grade Gliomas
PLoS One 12(6):e0178552 (2017)
A. Henares-Molina, S. Benzekry, P.C. Lara, M. García-Rojo, V.M Pérez-García, A. Martínez-González - Novel geometrical imaging biomarkers predict survival and allow for patient selection for surgery in glioblastoma patients
Neuro-Oncology 19(3):iii80-iii80 (2017)
J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina, A. Martínez-González, E. Arregui, B. Asenjo, L. Iglesias, J. Martino, L. Pérez-Romasanta, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García - Optimized radiotherapy protocols delay the malignant transformation of low-grade gliomas in-silico
Neuro Oncol (2017) 19 (3): iii12.
A. Henares-Molina, S. Benzecry, P. Lara, M. García-Rojo, V.M. Pérez-García, A. Martínez-González - Recommendations for computation of textural measures obtained from 3D brain tumor MRIs: A robustness analysis points out the need for standardization
Neuro-Oncology 19 (3): iii44 (2017)
D. Molina, J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, C. Velásquez, J. Martino, B. Luque, A. Revert, I. Herruzo, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García - Towards individualized survival prediction in glioblastoma patients using machine learning methods
Neuro-Oncology 19(3):iii84-iii84 (2017)
L. Vera, J. Pérez-Beteta, D. Molina, J.M. Borrás, M. Benavides, J.A. Barcia, C. Velásquez, D. Albillo, P. Lara, V.M. Pérez-García - Applied mathematics and nonlinear sciences in the war on cancer
Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 1(2) (2016) 423-436
V.M. Pérez-García, S. Fitzpatrick, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, M. Pesic, P. Schucht, E. Arana, P. Sánchez-Gómez - Dynamics and optimal control of chemotherapy for low grade gliomas: insights from a mathematical model
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 21, 1895-1915 (2016)
C. Rojas-Rodriguez, J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.M. Pérez-García, H. Maurer - Extreme protraction for low grade gliomas: Theoretical proof of concept of a novel therapeutical strategy
Mathematical Medicine and Biology 33(3) 253-271 (2016).
V.M. Pérez-García, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta - Geometrical measures obtained from pretreatment postcontrast T1 weighted MRIs predict survival benefits from bevacizumab in glioblastoma patients
PLoS One 11(8) e0161484 (2016).
D. Molina, J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, J.M. Sepúlveda, S. Peralta, M. Gil-Gil, G. Reynes, A. Herrero, R. De Las Peñas, R. Luque, J. Capellades, C. Balaña, V.M. Pérez-Garcia - Hypoxia in Gliomas: Opening Therapeutical Opportunities Using a Mathematical-Based Approach.
Advances in experimental medicine and biology 936 (2016) 11-29
A. Martínez-González, G.F. Calvo, J.M. Ayuso, I. Ochoa, L.J. Fernández, V.M. Pérez-García - Influence of grey level and space discretization on brain tumor heterogeneity measures obtained from MRIs
Computers in Biology and Medicine 78, 49-57 (2016)
D. Molina, J. Pérez-Beteta, A. Martínez-González, J. Martino, C. Velasquez, E. Arana, V.M. Pérez-García - Metabolic tumor burden assessed by dual time point 18F-FDG PET/CT in breast cancer: Relation with tumor biology
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 43, S74-S75 (2016)
A.M. García Vicente, J. Pérez-Beteta, M. Tello Galán, D. Molina-García, G.J. Londono, V.M. Pérez-García, A. Martínez-González, F.P. Pardo, A. Soriano-Castrejón - Nonlinear ghost waves accelerate the progression of high-grade brain tumors
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 39, 360-380 (2016)
R. Pardo, A. Martínez-González, V.M. Pérez-García - Predictive and prognostic potential of volume-based metabolic variables with F-18-FDG PET/CT in locally advanced breast cancer
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Nuclear Imaging 43, S27-S28 (2016)
A.M. García Vicente, J. Pérez-Beteta, M. Tello Galán, D. Molina-García, G. J. Londono, V.M. Pérez-García, A. Martínez-González, F.P. Pardo, A. Soriano-Castrejón - Resistance to DNA damaging agents produced invasive phenotype of rat glioma cells-characterization of a new in vivo model
Molecules 21, 843 (2016)
S. Stojkovic, A. Podolski-Renic, J. Dinic, Z. Pavkovic, J.M. Ayuso, L.J. Fernández, I. Ochoa, V.M. Pérez-García, V. Pešic, M. Pesic - Transfer of drug resistance characteristics between cancer cell subpopulations: A study using simple mathematical models.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 78, 1218-1237 (2016)
M. Rosa Durán, A. Podolski-Renic, A. Álvarez-Arenas, J. Dinic, J. Belmonte-Beitia, M. Pesic, V. M. Pérez-García - Tumour heterogeneity in glioblastoma assessed by MRI texture analysis: a potential marker of survival.
British Journal on Radiology 89, 2016242 (2016)
D. Molina, J. Pérez-Beteta, B. Luque, E. Arregui, M. Calvo, J. M. Borrás, C. López, J. Martino, C. Velasquez, B. Asenjo, M. Benavides, I. Herruzo, A. Martínez-González, E. Arana. L. Pérez, V. M. Pérez-García - 18F -FDG PET/CT characterization of solitary pulmonary nodules: Can we do better?
Journal of Thoracic Disease 7, E215-E218 (2015)
A. García Vicente, V. M. Pérez-García, A. Soriano - An in vitro model for glioblastoma using microfluidics: Generating pseudopalisades on a chip
Cancer Research 75, B04 (2015)
J.M. Ayuso, R. Monge, A. Martínez-González, G.A. Llamazares, J. Berganzo, A. Hernández-Lain, J. Santolaria, M. Doblaré, P. Sánchez-Gómez, V.M. Pérez-García, I. Ochoa, L.J. Fernández - Combined therapies of antithrombotics and antioxidants delay in silico brain tumors progression
Mathematical Medicine and Biology 32, 239-262 (2015)
A. Martínez-González, M. Durán-Pardo, G.F. Calvo, F.J. Alcaín, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, V.M. Pérez-García - Delay effects in the response of low grade gliomas to radiotherapy: A mathematical model and its therapeutical implications
Mathematical Medicine and Biology 32, 307-329 (2015)
V.M. Pérez-García, M. Bogdanska, A. Martínez-González, J. Belmonte, P. Shucht, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta - Mathematical models for low-grade gliomas predict alternative radiotherapy fractionations with improved survival
ITM Web of Conferences 5, 00006 (2015)
V.M. Pérez-García - Optimal radiation fractionation for low-grade gliomas: Insights from a mathematical model
Mathematical of Biosciences 267, 1-9 (2015)
T. Galochkina, A. Bratus, V.M. Pérez-García - Effective particle methods for the Fisher-Kolmogorov equations: Theory and applications to brain tumor dynamics
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 19, 3267-3283 (2014)
J. Belmonte-Beitia, G.F. Calvo, V.M. Pérez-García - Glucose-lactate metabolic cooperation in glioma tumours: insights from a spatial mathematical model and implications for targeted therapy
Journal of Theoretical Biology 361, 190-203 (2014)
J.B. McGillen, C.J. Kelly, A. Martínez-González, N.K. Martin, E.A. Gaffney, P.K. Maini, V.M. Pérez-García - Controlled generation of nonlinear excitations and vortex rings in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A 87, 053624 (2013)
F. Pinsker, N. G. Berloff, V.M. Pérez-García - Mathematical model predicts response to radiotherapy of grade II gliomas
Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy 18, S63 (2013)
L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, J. Belmonte-Beitia, A. Martínez-González, G.F. Calvo, V.M. Pérez-García - Modeling the connection between primary and metastatic tumors
Journal of Mathematical Biology 67, 657-692 (2013)
D. Diego, G.F. Calvo, V.M. Pérez-García - A Mathematical model for the glucose-lactate metabolism of in-vitro cancer cells
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 74(5), 1125-1142 (2012).
B. Mendoza-Juez, A. Martínez-González, G.F. Calvo, V.M. Pérez-García - Hypoxic Cell Waves Around Necrotic Cores in Glioblastoma: A Biomathematical Model and Its Therapeutic Implications
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 74, 2875-2896 (2012).
A. Martínez-González, G.F. Calvo, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta, V.M. Pérez-García - Bright solitary waves in malignant gliomas.
Physical Review E 84, 021921 (2011)
V.M. Pérez-García, G.F. Calvo, J. Belmonte-Beitia, D. Diego, L.A. Pérez-Romasanta - Coherent Atomic Soliton Molecules for Matter-Wave Switching.
Physical Review A , 83, 051605(R) (2011)
C. Yin, N.G. Berloff, V.M. Pérez-García, D. Novoa, A. Vázquez-Carpentier, H. Michinel - Kinetics studies during NaCl and KCl pork meat brining.
Journal of Food Engineering 106,102-110 (2011)
J.M. Barat, D. Baigts, M. Aliño, F.J. Fernández, V.M. Pérez-García - Solitary waves in coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations with spatially inhomogeneous nonlinearities
Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulations. 16, 158-172 (2011)
J. Belmonte-Beitia, V. Brazhnyy, V.M. Perez-Garcia - Stable multidimensional soliton stripes in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates.
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 44, 381-389 (2011)
V.A. Brazhnyi, V.M. Pérez-García - Collapse in coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger equations: Sufficient conditions and Applications
Physica D 238, 1462-1467 (2009).
V. Prytula, V. Vekslerchik, V.M. Perez-Garcia - Dissipation-induced coherent structures in Bose-Einstein condensates
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 144101 (2009) .
V.A. Brazhnyi, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Perez-Garcia, H. Ott - Exact Bright and Dark Spatial Soliton Solutions in Saturable Nonlinear Media
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 41, 1791-1798 (2009)
G.F. Calvo, J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.M. Perez-Garcia - Liquidlike dynamics of optical beams in tailored coherent media
Physical Review A 79, 013833 (2009)
A. Alexandrescu, H. Michinel, V.M. Pérez-García - Localization phenomena in Nonlinear Schrodinger equations with spatially inhomogeneous nonlinearities: Theory and applications to Bose-Einstein condensates
Physica D 238, 1352-1361 (2009)
V.M. Perez-Garcia, R. Pardo - Localized and periodic exact solutions to the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with spatially modulated parameters: Linear and nonlinear lattices
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 41, 1158–1166 (2009)
J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Perez Garcia, V.E. Vekslerchik - Mapped Chebyshev pseudospectral method to study multiple scale phenomena
Computers Physics Communications 180, 912–919 (2009)
A. Alexandrescu, A. Bueno-Orovio, J.R. Salgueiro, V.M. Perez-Garcia - Nonlinear phenomena in degenerate quantum gases
Physica D 238, 1289-1298 (2009).
V.M. Perez-Garcia, N.G. Berloff, P.G. Kevrekidis, V.V. Konotop, B.A. Malomed - Nonperturbative vector solitary waves in four-level coherent media
Physical Review A 79, 063843 (2009)
A. Alexandrescu, J.R. Salgueiro, V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel - Solitary waves for linearly coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations with inhomogeneous coefficients
Journal of Nonlinear Science, 19, 437-451 (2009).
J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.M. Perez-Garcia, P.J. Torres - Eigenvalue cut-off in the cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrodinger equation
Physical Review E, 78, 027601 (2008).
V. Prytula, V. Vekslerchik, V.M. Pérez-García - Lie Symmetries, qualitative analysis and exact solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with inhomogeneous nonlinearities
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 9, 221-233 (2008)
J. Belmonte-Beitia, V. M. Pérez-García, V. Vekslerchik, P. Torres - Localized nonlinear waves in systems with time- and space-modulated nonlinearities
Physical Review Letters 100, 164102 (2008).
J. Belmonte-Beitia, V.M. Pérez-García, V. Vekslerchik, V.V. Konotop - Stability of excited states of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an anharmonic trap
Physical Review A, 78, 013606 (2008).
D.A. Zezyulin, G.L. Alfimov, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Perez-Garcia - Supersolitons: Solitonic excitations in atomic soliton chains
Physical Review Letters 101, 144101 (2008).
D. Novoa, B.A. Malomed, H. Michinel, V.M. Perez-Garcia - Collapse in boson-fermion mixtures with all-repulsive interactions
Physical Review A 76, 043620 (2007).
V.I. Prytula, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez-García, V.E. Vekslerchik - Control of nonlinear modes by scattering-length management in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A 76, 013621 (2007).
D.A. Zezyulin, G.L. Alfimov, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez-García - Enhanced box and prism assisted algorithms for computing the correlation dimension
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 34, 509-518 (2007).
A. Bueno-Orovio, V.M. Pérez-García - Levitation of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates: Macroscopic manifestation of the Franck-Condon effect
Europhysics Letters 80, 50005 (2007).
K. Nakamura, A. Kohi, H. Yamasaki, V. M. Pérez-García, V. V. Konotop - Lie symmetries and solitons in nonlinear systems with spatially inhomogeneous nonlinearities
Physical Review Letters 98, 064102 (2007).
J. Belmonte-Beitia, V. M. Perez-Garcia, V. Vekslerchik, P. Torres - Modulational instability, solitons and periodic waves in models of quantum degenerate Boson-Fermion mixtures
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 32, 1268-1277 (2007).
J. Belmonte, V.M. Pérez-García, V. Vekslerchik - Stabilization of high-order solutions of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Physical Review E 75, 046609 (2007) .
A. Alexandrescu, G.D. Montesinos, V.M. Pérez-García - Symmetry-assisted vorticity control in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A 75, 033618 (2007).
V.M. Perez-Garcia, M.A. Garcia-March, A. Ferrando - The method of moments for Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations: Theory and Applications
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 67, 990-1015 (2007).
V.M. Pérez-García, G.D. Montesinos, P. Torres - Analysis of an atom laser based on the spatial control of the scattering length
Physical Review A, 74, 013619 (2006).
A. Vázquez-Carpentier, H. Michinel, M.I. Rodas-Verde, V.M. Pérez-García - Defect modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice with a localized impurity
Physical Review A, 74, 023614 (2006).
V.A. Brazhnyi, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez-García - Dissipative solitons that cannot be trapped
Physical Review Letters 97, 254101 (2006).
R. Pardo, V.M. Pérez-García - Driving defect modes of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices
Physical Review Letters 96, 060403 (2006).
V.A. Brazhnyi, V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez-García - Matter-wave solitons supported by dissipation
Physical Review A 73, 053610 (2006).
A. Alexandrescu, V.M. Pérez-García - Similarity transformations of Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations with time-dependent coefficients
Physica D 221, 31-36 (2006).
V.M. Pérez-García, P. Torres, V.V. Konotop - Spectral methods for Partial Differential Equations in Irregular Domains: The Spectral Smoothed Boundary Method
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 28, 886-900 (2006).
A. Bueno Orovio, V.M. Pérez García, F.H. Fenton - Spectral Smoothed Boundary Methods: The role of external boundary conditions
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 22, 435-448 (2006).
A. Bueno Orovio, V.M. Pérez-García - Stable propagation of pulsed beams in Kerr focusing media with modulated dispersion
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 23, 56-61 (2006).
M.I. Rodas-Verde, G.D. Montesinos, H. Michinel, V.M. Pérez-García - Turning light into a liquid via atomic coherence
Physical Review Letters 96, 023903 (2006).
H, Michinel, M.J. Paz Alonso, V.M. Pérez-García - Controllable soliton emission from a Bose-Einstein condensate
Physical Review Letters, 95, 153903 (2005)
M.I. Rodas-Verde, H. Michinel, V.M. Pérez-García - N-body dynamics of stabilized vector solitons
Chaos, 15, 033501 (2005).
G.D. Montesinos, M.I. Rodas-Verde, V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel - Numerical studies of stabilized Townes solitons
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 69, 447-456 (2005).
G.D. Montesinos, V.M. Pérez-García - Stabilized vortex solitons in layered Kerr media
Physical Review E, 71, 036624 (2005).
G.D. Montesinos, V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel, J.R. Salgueiro - Symbiotic solitons in heteronuclear quantum degenerate mixtures
Physical Review A, 72, 033620 (2005).
V.M. Pérez-García, J. Belmonte - Feshbach resonance induced shock waves in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review Letters, 92 , 220403 (2004).
V.M. Pérez-García, V.V. Konotop, V.A. Brazhnyi - Solitones estabilizados
Revista Española de Física, Julio-Septiembre, 57-60 (2004).
G.D. Montesinos, V.M. Pérez-García - Stabilization of solitons of the multidimensional Nonlinear Schrodinger equation: Matter-wave breathers
Physica D, 191, 193-210 (2004).
G.D. Montesinos, V.M. Pérez García, P. Torres - Stabilized two-dimensional vector solitons
Physical Review Letters, 92, 133901 (2004).
G.D. Montesinos, V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel - Three-dimensional parallel vortex rings in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 70, 033605 (2004).
L.C. Crasovan, V.M. Pérez-García, I. Danaila, D. Mihalache, L. Torner - A Numerical Scheme for the Simulation of Blow-up in the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 134, 271-291 (2003).
S. Jiménez, I.M. Llorente, A. Mancho, V.M. Pérez-García, L. Vázquez - A Quasilocal Gross-Pitaevskii Equation for Bose-Einstein Condensates with Self-Attraction
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 62, 21-30 (2003).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.V. Konotop, B. Malomed, V.M. Pérez-García - Exact solutions of the two-mode model of multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 3, 179-192 (2003).
V. Vekslerchik, V.M. Pérez-García - Numerical Methods for the Simulation of trapped Nonlinear Schrödinger Systems
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 144, 215-235 (2003)
V.M. Pérez-García, X. Liu - Scattering of dipole-mode vector solitons: Theory and experiment
Physical Review E, 68, 016612 (2003).
W. Krolikowski, G. McCarthy, Y.S. Kivshar, C. Weilnau, C. Denz, J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García - Soliton molecules in trapped vector Nonlinear Schrödinger systems
Physical Review E , 67, 061804 (2003).
V.M. Pérez García, V. Vekslerchik - Soliton molecules: Robust clusters of spatiotemporal optical solitons
Physical Review E, 67, 046610 (2003).
L.C. Crasovan, Y. Kartashov, D. Mihalache, Ll. Torner, Y.S. Kivshar, V.M. Pérez-García - Stable vortex dipoles in Nonrotating Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 68, 063609 (2003).
L.C. Crasovan, V. Vekslerchik, V.M. Pérez-García, J.P. Torres, D. Mihalache, Ll. Torner - Globally-Linked Vortex Clusters in Trapped Wave Fields
Physical Review A, 66, 036612 (2002).
L.C. Crasovan, G.Molina-Terriza, J.P. Torres, Ll. Torner, V.M. Pérez-García, D. Mihalache - On the applicability of the classical dipole-dipole interaction for polar Bose-Einstein condensates
Physics Letters A, 300, 348-352 (2002).
V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez-García - Split vortices in optically coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 66, 021602(R) (2002).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García, F. Sols - Anomalous rotational properties of Bose-Einstein condensates in asymmetric traps
Physical Review A, 64, 013602 (2001).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García - Construction of exact solutions by spatial traslations in inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Physical Review E 64, 056602 (2001).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García, V. Vekslerchik - Multipole spatial vector solitons
Optics Letters, 26, 435-437 (2001).
A.S. Desyatnikov, D.Neshev, E.A. Ostrovskaya, Y.S. Kivshar, W. Krolikowski, B. Luther-Davies, J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García - Optimizing Schrödinger functionals using Sobolev gradients: Applications to Quantum Mechanics nonlinear Optics
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 23, 1315-1333 (2001).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García - Structural instabilities of vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review Letters, 87, 140403 (2001).
J.J. García-Ripoll, G. Molina-Terriza, V.M. Pérez-García, L. Torner - Vortex bending and tightly packed vortex lattices in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 64, 053611 (2001).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez García - Vortex nucleation and hysteresis phemena in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 63, 041603 (2001).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García - Vortex revivals with trapped light
Optics Letters, 26, 1601-1603 (2001).
G. Molina-Terriza, Ll. Torner, E. Wrigth, J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García - Dipole-mode vector solitons
Physical Review Letters, 85, 82-85 (2000).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García, E. Ostrovskaya, Y. Kivshar - Dynamics of quasi-collapse in nonlinear Schrödinger systems with nonlocal interactions
Physical Review E, 62, 4300-4308 (2000).
V.M. Pérez-García, V.V. Konotop, J.J. García-Ripoll - Light molecules: Dipole-Mode Vector Solitons
Optics & Photonics News, Diciembre 2000, 36-37 (2000).
W. Krolikowski, B. Luther-Davies, G. McCarthy, M. Geisser, Y. Kivshar, E.Ostrovskaya, C. Weilnau, C. Denz, J. J. Garcia-Ripoll, V. M. Pérez-García - Moment analysis of paraxial propagation in a Nonlinear graded index fiber
Journal of Optics B: Quantum Semiclassical Optics, 2, 353-358 (2000).
V.M. Pérez-García, P. Torres, H. Michinel, J.J.García-Ripoll - Solutions of Gross-Pitaevskii equations beyond the hydrodynamic approximation: Application to the vortex problem
Physical Review A, 62, 033610 (2000).
V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez García - Spin mopoles with Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 61, 053609-053615 (2000).
J.J. García-Ripoll, J.I. Cirac, J. Anglin, V.M. Pérez-García, P. Zoller - Stable and unstable vortices in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review Letters, 84, 4264-4267 (2000).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García - Two-mode theory of vortex stability in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A, 62, 033601 (2000).
V.M. Pérez-García, J.J. García-Ripoll - Atomic soliton reservoir: How to increase the critical atom number in negative-scattering-length Bose-Einstein gases
Physical Review A, 60, 1513-1519 (1999).
H. Michinel, V.M. Pérez-García, R. de la Fuente - Barrier resonances in Bose-Einstein condensation
Physical Review A, 59, 2220-2229 (1999).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García - Extended parametric resonances in nonlinear Schrödinger systems
Physical Review Letters, 83, 1715-1718 (1999).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García, P. Torres - Stability of vortices in inhomogeneous Bose condensates subject to rotation: A three-dimensional analysis
Physical Review A, 60, 4864-4872 (1999).
J.J. García-Ripoll, V.M. Pérez-García - Bose-Einstein solitons in highly asymmetric traps
Physical Review A, 57, 3837-3842 (1998).
V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel, H. Herrero - Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates: Variational Solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equations
Physical Review A, 56, 1424-1432 (1997).
V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel, I. Cirac, M. Lewenstein, P. Zoller - Interaction of a dark soliton with a localized impurity
Physics Letters A, 236, 314-318 (1997).
V.V. Konotop, V.M. Pérez-García, Y.F. Tang, L. Vázquez - Loss-induced transverse effects in lasers
Optics Communications, 143, 315-321 (1997).
O. G. Calderón, V. M. Pérez-García, J. Lega, J. M. Guerra - Stability and collective excitations of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensed gas: A moment approach
Physical Review A, 56, 2978-2983 (1997).
T. Busch, J.I. Cirac, V.M. Pérez-García, P. Zoller - Symplectic Methods for the Ablowitz-Ladik model
Applied Mathematics Computation, 82, 17-38 (1997).
Y.F. Tang, V.M. Pérez-García, L. Vázquez - Different and coexisting routes to chaos along a common bifurcation path in the Maxwell-Bloch equations
International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, 6, 589-601 (1996).
I. Pastor, V.M. Pérez-García, F. Encinas, J.M. Guerra - Low energy excitations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate: A time-dependent variational analysis
Physical Review Letters, 77, 5320-5324 (1996).
V.M. Pérez-García, H. Michinel, J. I. Cirac, M. Lewenstein, P. Zoller - Nonlinear Optics, Multigrid Methods Parallel Computing: A case study
SIAM News, April, 12-14 (1996).
I. Martín, V.M. Pérez García, F. Tirado, L. Vázquez - Numerical solutions of the Maxwell-Bloch laser equations
Journal of Computational Physics, 129, 181-189 (1996).
G. Ben-Yu, I. Martín, V.M. Pérez-García, L. Vázquez - Symplectic Methods for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 32, 73-83 (1996).
Y.F. Tang, L. Vázquez, F. Zang, V.M. Pérez-García - Transverse mode selection in single-longitudinal mode lasers
Physical Review A, 53, 3490-3496 (1996).
O. Gómez-Calderón, V.M. Pérez-García, I. Martín, J.M. Guerra - Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Schrödinger Systems: Theory and Applications
World Scientific, Singapore (1995).
L. Vázquez, L. Streit, V.M. Pérez-García (Eds.) - Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Schrödinger Systems: A New Conservative Scheme
Applied Mathematics Computation, 71, 164-177 (1995).
Z. Fei, V.M. Pérez-García, L. Vázquez - Order-disorder transitions in a dye laser dynamics
Physical Review A, 52, 2392-2400 (1995).
V.M. Pérez-García, I. Pastor, J.M. Guerra - The Nonlinear Schrödinger equation with dissipation and the moment method
Physics Letters A, 202, 176-182 (1995).
V.M. Pérez-García, M.A. Porras, L. Vázquez - Weak turbulence in a high Fresnel number dye laser
International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, 4, 1363-1368 (1994).
V.M. Pérez-García, J.M. Guerra - Weak turbulent behavior and dynamical frequency locking in a high Fresnel number laser
Physical Review A, 50, 1646-1663 (1994).
V.M. Pérez-García, J.M. Guerra - Chiral vs. Symmetric States in Optical Isomers
Nuovo Cimento D, 15, 621-629 (1993).
V.M. Pérez-García, I. Gonzalo, J.L. Pérez Díaz - Nonlinear plane wave solutions to the semiclassic Maxwell-Bloch laser equations
Physica D, 66, 412-426 (1993).
I. Pastor, V.M. Pérez-García, F. Encinas, J.M. Guerra, L. Vázquez - Ordered and chaotic behaviour of two coupled Van der Pol oscillators
Physical Review E, 48, 171-182 (1993).
I. Pastor, V.M. Pérez-García, F. Encinas, J.M. Guerra - On the integrability of the classical hydrogen atom in a magnetic field
European Journal of Physics, 13, 160-166 (1992).
V.M. Pérez-García, J.I. Martín, A.F. Rañada - Theory of the stability of the quantum chiral state
Physics Letters A, 167, 377-382 (1992).
V.M. Pérez-García, I. Gonzalo, J.L. Pérez Díaz - Chirality and electronic state: A new explanation of the stability of chiral molecules
Physics Letters A, 160, 453-456 (1991).
J.L. Pérez Díaz, V.M. Pérez-García, I. Gonzalo
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Canadian Cancer Society (2024 - 2027) - Improving New Therapies in Oncology and Related Fields using mathematical models and biomedical data
Ministry of Science and Innovation (National Research Plan) (2023 - 2026) - Mathematical models for the digital transition in neuro-oncology: In-silico design of a clinical trial for glioblastoma.
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (NextGenerationEU) (2023 - 2024) - Optimization of tisagenlecleucel treatments of lymphoma: An integrated human data-based approach using mathematical models
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Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain), Proof of Concept Program (2023 - 2024) - Early identification of relapse and treatment optimization in acute lymphoblastic leukaemias through mathematical modelling and discriminant analysis
Junta de Andalucía (2020 - 2023) - Improving cell therapies in neuroblastoma through mathematical modelling
NeN Association (2020 - 2023) - Mathematical models in Oncology
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) (2020 - 2023)