News & Events

Seminar "Control theory applied to the dynamic of tumor cells and their therapies"
E.T.S.I.Industriales, Room 00B
Wednesday December 04, 2019

AECC funds a project on Evolutionary Dynamics in Cancer at MOLAB
Laboratorio de Oncología Matemática
Sunday December 01, 2019

Seminar "Dissecting the evolutionary dynamics of cancer through partial differential equat
Salón de Grados Edificio Politécnico
Monday November 18, 2019

Seminar "The tumor interface. Complexity analysis"
Salón de Grados, Edificio Politécnico
Wednesday October 30, 2019

ICIAM public lecture on mathematics and cancer available online
ICIAM, Valencia 2019
Saturday September 28, 2019

MOLAB activities highlighted in the CMM news channel
MOLAB - Castilla-La Mancha Televisión
Saturday September 28, 2019

Defense of Arturo Álvarez-Arenas PhD thesis
Salón de Grados, Edificio Politécnico, UCLM
Friday September 27, 2019

Seminar "Coming Full Circle in Cancer Modelling?"
Salón de Grados, Edificio Politécnico, 9:15
Thursday September 26, 2019

A collaboration between Ciudad Real Hospital and MOLAB finds PET-imaging based prognostic biomarker
Hospital General de Ciudad Real, Spain
Tuesday September 24, 2019

MOLAB organizes the Workshop "Therapy optimization in glioblastoma: How can mathematics help"
Hotel Hospes Palacio del Bailio
Wednesday September 04, 2019

A joint research study leads to the development of mathematical-based biomarkers of early relapse in
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Wednesday August 14, 2019

Newspapers report on MOLAB activities in August
"XL Semanal" and "La tribuna"
Wednesday August 14, 2019

Defense of the PhD thesis of Julián Pérez-Beteta
Salón de Grados, Edificio Politécnico
Monday July 29, 2019

MOLAB activity highlighted in the media in July
"El Mundo" and others
Wednesday July 24, 2019

Víctor Pérez speaks on Mathematics and Oncology at ICIAM
Palau de Las Arts, ICIAM Valencia
Wednesday July 17, 2019

Mathematical Oncology & MOLAB at ICIAM 2019 conference
ICIAM 2019, Valencia
Monday July 15, 2019

An in-silico study supports a novel chemotherapeutical schedule to treat oligodendrogliomas
Sunday July 14, 2019

Mathematical Oncology Summer School
Edificio Politécnico, Campus de Ciudad Real, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Monday July 08, 2019

FisyMat Master ranked 4th best in "Experimental Sciences and Technology" in Spain
Thursday July 04, 2019

Understanding the interplay of Darwinian evolution and Lamarkian induction in drug resistance
Thursday June 27, 2019

The pediatric oncology unit at Toledo Hospital joins the Relapse-0 project
Hospital Virgen de la Salud de Toledo
Wednesday June 19, 2019

Best original article prize awarded by the Spanish Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Ciudad Real General Hospital
Thursday June 13, 2019

Survival prediction in Glioblastoma: Human versus Machine
Saturday June 01, 2019

Magdalena Bogdanska PhD thesis receives the highest mark
University of Warsaw
Friday May 24, 2019

Pint of Science
Wednesday May 22, 2019

Morphological features on MR images classify multifocal glioblastomas in different prognostic groups
Tuesday April 30, 2019

A MoLAB proposal was finalist in the HORAO challenge
Tuesday April 09, 2019

Mutations: causes, effects, and their role in evolution and disease
Sala de Juntas de Industriales
Wednesday February 27, 2019

'Molecular biology: a brief introduction to genes and proteins
00B, E.T.S.I Industriales
Wednesday February 20, 2019

Microenvironmental Regulation of Tumor Invasion
Room 0.0B, 12:00
Wednesday February 06, 2019

T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: towards a personalized medicine
Sala Juntas, Edificio Politécnico
Monday February 04, 2019

Surgical Aid Visualization System for Glioblastoma Identification based on Deep Learning and I
Sala de Juntas, Edificio Politécnico
Wednesday January 30, 2019